Breaking News: Kenyans Are Informed On When The Next President Will Be Sworn In.

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Head of public service Commission Dr. Joseph Kinyua, the Chairman of the Transition committee has now informed




Kenyans that the team won’t waste its time in regards to the swearing-in ceremony that is expected to kick off 10 days after the IEBC announces the outcome of the presidential election.



Addressing the nation via a televised media briefing where he sought to affirm that the commission isn’t biased and that a certain candidate can be denied power should he win,




the renowned Public service head announced that the committee that includes Matiangi, Director General of NIS, Inspector General of Police




Hon Mutyambai among many others is ready to cooperate with Either Ruto or Raila.





In addition to that, Joseph Kinyua thanked all Kenyans for their continued cooperation, and peaceful co-existence even as IEBC continues to announce the outcome of the hotly contested Presidential election.




“We would like to thank all Kenyans for maintaining peace even as our able IEBC continues to update us,” Kinyua said.


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