‘Happy’ Teachers’ Day: Teacher From Migori Pens A Touching Letter To President Ruto Citing 7 Key Areas Of Concern In The Profession.

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*World Teacher’s Day letter to President Ruto* .

By *Benard Obonyo* .

Good morning dear President.

I know am writing this letter when now you have occupied the most revered house on the hill,State House.




I know believe you will read this letter or you raids will run and show you this piece.




Allow me first congratulate you for winning the 9th August ,2022 poll together with a host of honourable members in various National Assembly and County Assembly.




As I pen this sole letter am a teacher in his late 30s. I joined teaching as I was told it’s a noble profession. It’s the profession that Jesus Christ left with us.




I have called the name of the Lord since I believe our First lady Mama Rachael Ruto is a prayer warrior. Nkt to mention Mrs. Gachagua, our pastor.




Mr. President, I know you hate teaching and teachers. One time you referred to us as a,e,i,o,u guys.




No. Am sorry. You don’t hate us. But you made fun out of how we were trained to train the poor Kenyans how to read the English vowels.




In fact, Weare the teachers who are teaching your hustler population so that they don’t know when you are either lying to them or telling the truth.




These hustlers have one thing in common. They work hard. They can also work smart. They can do the two: working hard and smart the same time.





The hustlers are prayer warriors. Just like your beautiful wife. Our first lady. They flock Churches and Mosque not because they are yearning for salvation. No. They are vying for help. They are overburdened by the cost of living. They are crying too for their Clergy who overtax them in the name of Kupanda Bengu.




Am sorry for bothering you Mr. President. I know you are a busy man. Together with your Deputy Mr. Riggy G. Allow me to list for you our problems as teachers of the Country. You are now the head of the Government and State. Kindly cry with us.




Our Union no longer talk on our issues. Our Union leaders are now millionaires. They left class. They are now protecting their hefty loots. Teachers are alone.




Our Problem Mr. Ruto are as listed below.

1. *Stagnation of teachers.*
Our employer, Teacher Service Commission developed a white nonsense by the name Teacher Professional Development,TPAD. This nonsense is fed online. In fact it doesn’t help in teaching. Just a bundle of Shs. 5 is enough to capture what they want.




They have developed a Career Progression Schemes of Service away from Schemes of Service.




A teacher employed for example degree holder at C2. Will take 3 years to be promoted to C3.




After C3. The teacher will take so many years to be promoted. The teacher must to interview. Which TSC must advertise and shortlist. If the teacher by bring prayer warrior is shortlisted, they attend the interview. They can now be promoted to C5 if they pass the interview.




They are required to stay in this C4 for a minimum of 3 years waiting for the interview. Which may not come since such are based on the availability of finances.




This teacher will be now be Deputy. Deputy I, Deputy II and Deputy III taking over 9 years of they are promoted.

We are tired with stagnation. Most teachers have stagnated in Grade C3 for over 20 years. Will they be promoted by the sadist Macharia will they are tired, weak and dead?

Mr. President. Enough is a enough. Punda amechoka.




2. *AoN Minet Scheme* .

Mr. President I hear from the wind that this is your granary. It’s your brainchild. The hustlers teacher is tired. They insurance scheme took all our Medical Insurance. It has caused more death to teachers. It covers treatable malaria. The Student Scheme, Eduafya is better than this theft insurance.

If this scheme is your means of looting from teachers. Let us have a better scheme. Let the deduction be reflected on our slips.

If this scheme doesn’t belong to either your family and that of Kenyatta family,table the owner so that we can demonstrate to the Indian family who are stealing from teachers.



3. *Internship Employment* .
Mr. President, let us stop solving teachers shortage in this County by piecemeal solution. No. Employ the 80 000 teachers you promised every year. From this employment the government will earn taxes back. The teacher’s will better their living standards and that of their families.




4. Substantive Administrative Appointment.

Most schools in Kenya have individuals acting as Deputies. This must stop. The teacher’s acting must be given substantive appointments and remunerated for the period they acted based on the labour law. Our problem is centralization of appointments. The appointments should be at the Sub- County level and County level fine by the TSC officers and the same communicated to the TSC headquarters.




6. *KNEC Services* .

This body has misused teachers.

Mr. President. Who is paid Shs. 150 per day for 20 days for marking?

Who is paid transport reimbursement of less than Shs. 1 000?

Who is paid Shs. 50 pet script marked in connected students dormitory and beds?

Mr. President. Do you know how much invigilators and supervisors are paid for lunch and transport for over 30 days work? Less than 10 000.

Do you know that Deputy Centre Managers who are assisting Center Managers are not paid? Now you know.





7. *Salary Increment* .

Mr. President we demand for salary increment.

We cannot be in a country where in the same station one is earning over Kshs. 100 000 and another teacher earning Kshs. 25 000. This must stop.

We are demanding a new CBA that will make us earn descent income that correlates with the inflation and high living demands.




Thank you for your time.

*Obonyo Ng’ut Mwanda Nyong’o Tek*

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