Homa Bay County Governor Sends Top County Officials On Compulsory Leave.

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Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga has sent all senior county human resource

 managers on compulsory leave pending audit of payroll system.

The move follows complaints by the public and several allegations of

 irregularities and issues touching on recruitment of staff in the county government.

The order from Ms Wanga’s office affect eight staff. They are Lameck Ogot – Director Recruitment & Selection,

Boaz Nyagute (acting administrator County Public Service Board (CPSB),

Linet Oguda (Secretary to the CEO CPSB) and Charles Auma Modi (Director Human Resources Management),.

Other affected staff are  Solomon Ochogo (Ag. Payroll manager, Alfred Okumu Chuchu( Ag. director HR),

Dancun Akecha (HR offficer) and Winfred Otieno Awuor – Director ECD, Department of Education & ICT.




While on compulsory leave, the officers will not be allowed to access Homa Bay County Government records and premises,

or to undertake any transactions on behalf of the county government.

The governor has urged residents to support her reform initiatives to get the county back on track,

in order to achieve the desired level of service delivery to the people of HomaBay.

Ms Wanga stated that going forward ,there will be no cadre of county jobs available for sale.

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