Kakamega Is a “No-Go Zone” For UDA, Sen. Malala Cautions Khalwale

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Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala has spoken about the influence of Amani National Congress (ANC) and United Democratic Alliance (UDA) parties in Kakamega County and why the latter is not welcomed in the County. In an interview with a local daily, the vocal politician said that ANC will support Deputy President William Ruto to be the fifth head of state.



In an interview with a local daily, the vocal politician said that ANC will support Deputy President William Ruto to be the fifth head of state. He, however, made it clear that the presidential support was enough and other seats will be for ANC in the Western region.

Malala (left ) with DP Ruto

He further cautioned former county Senator Boni Khalwale that he will find it hard on the ballot if he uses UDA as his party.





He added that as ANC they wanted to capture the governor seat and any other political party will be shunned on August’s general elections.





“We cannot support Ruto as the Kenya Kwanza presidential candidate and back at home, we give UDA the governor seat.




ANC will not field any candidate in UDA strongholds and the same must be the case in Western,” he said.

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