Kisumu County’s Nyakach Girls’ High School Dormitory In Flames.

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Bad as it may be, our education system is worst hit! It is worth noting that every Kenyan child is granted access to education in which the government has subsidized the cost making it more affordable as years continue to advance.

For the past two years, education sector has suffered huge setback courtesy to the effects outbreak of Covid-19 disease in the country and globally, last year alone, it halted learning in institutions, forcing instant closure for ten months.

A new school calendar that was made at the onset of this year is currently guiding all academic activities and the normal school calendar is set to be achieved on 2023. Also recently the education sector has been hit by school fires in some schools.

Saturday evening witnessed more fire incidents in schools. According to the source, a dormitory that houses form one Students at Nyakach Girls High School is ablaze.

In the past, the girl school situated in Kisumu county has hit news headlines for the best of reasons ranging from starling academic performance to excellent achievements in Co-Curriculum activities, in the region and nationally.

The cause of the fire has not yet identified as all students were in class for evening studies but no casualties has been reported. The firefighter together with the locals are on the ground manage to put off the fire.

This comes barely a week remaining for second term to come to an end. Schools are expected to break for December holiday as from 23rd December to 3rd January.

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