Lawyer Murgor Exposes How Chebukati’s PA Unlawfully Accessed IEBC’S Server Countlessly.

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Kenyan are curiously following along the election petition as the Raila Odinga and Azimio team are serving the bench with




submissions and evidence present in their affidavit.Much is being brought to evidence including a submission by




Philip Murgor proofing that unauthorized access was granted to Chebukati’s Personal Assistant by the name Dickson Kwanusu.




” The personal assistant to Mr Wafula Chebukati, Mr Dickson Kwanusu, was granted access, but he is not gazetted.




So he is invisible.If we had not brought the logs, it would never be known that he had been granted access, ” stated Lawyer Philip Murgor in his submission earlier today.

The controversial lawyer also added that the system used by Chebukati had failed to secure transparency as required by the elections act .




He also added that the system was controlled by a third party operating remotely





and had access across the firewalls established to guard the IEBC system from external intrusion.

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