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In an usually stern reminder, The Ministry Of Education has cautioned all school heads, both primary and secondary to desist from charging extra levies outside the government recommend funds from parents.

The strict cabinet secretary CS, Mr. Magoha in a circular to all education officials, majorly, county and subcounty directors of education, said that they should ensure no single learner should be deprived education services in this country whatsoever on grounds of absence of funds be it arrears.

“No school should send away any child for whatever funds. Any funds above approved guidelines shall be deemed overpayment thus carried forward in the case of continuing learners.” Or better still, “the overpayment should be refunded with immediate effect. There’s no sending away of learners” The circular read in parts.

The Ministry of Education guides that the National schools charge sh.45,054, while county schools charge sh. 35,035. However, day schools are free of any charges.

The ministry equally observed that numerous complains are at their desks concerning extra charges of levies by a number of school heads from helpless parents. A practice, the CS insists must stop.

While supporting the move, The Education PS also insisted that any unreported cases concerning schools charging extra funds will meet full force of law on all parties involved, be they parents, teachers or education officials.

“In the event such malpractice is witnessed anywhere,” he added “May the information be relayed to email address for further action as will be supported by the necessary guidelines.”

“A School that may desires to charge extra funds beyond what is required and or stipulated on matters pertaining school fees guidelines shall then do a formal request solely to the cabinet secretary which upon approval will be communicated to strictly in writing as away of formal authorization” CS Magoha sternly affirmed.

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