Revealed Number Of Teachers Teachers’ Commission Intends To Transfer By Next Month.

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Here Is The Number Of Teachers TSC Is Set To Transfer By April


In a February 26 memo to all Regional Directors, the commission requested details of primary headteachers and principals of primary and secondary schools who have exited the teaching service.

teachers allowances


Under the secondary schools’ sector, regional directors were ordered to capture the home county of the principals together with details of their current institutions.



According to Commission, a total of 4035 teachers’ names have been forwarded to the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) by Counties.




This follows the compiling and transmitting of teacher’s data to the teachers’ employer by County which ended successfully.






Through TSC Deputy Director Staffing, Dorothy Jonyo, she ordered its regional staff to collect and forward data of all school heads who have stayed in one institution for more than nine years.




The majority of those targeted are school heads and deputies serving in their home counties. TSC will additionally transfer teachers who have worked in the same station for a long time.





In a February 26 memo to all Regional Directors, the commission requested details of primary headteachers and principals of primary and secondary schools who have exited the teaching service.







Under the secondary schools’ sector, regional directors were ordered to capture the home county of the principals together with details of their current institutions.






The information included the size of the station, the sponsor of the school, the category of the school, and the enrolment of the data.






According to TSC, the transfer letters for both classroom teachers and school administrators will be available at their sub-county office country-wide. School headteachers and principals will be in charge of collecting and issuing transfer letters to their respective teachers in schools.






TSC moved applications for transfers online platform. Since then, all applicants for transfers must be done online. Through a circular by the TSC CEO Nancy Macharia, she said that this part of its 2019-2923 strategic plan aimed to automate and ease service delivery.





The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has made the application for a teacher transfer very easy. The application for transfer is now purely done online and there is no need of filling out the manual transfer application form.


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