TsC Releases Guidelines On Handling A Teacher Affected By Alcohol And Drug Abuse.

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TSC has formulated guidelines on how to handle teachers affected by alcoholism and drug abuse
Some teachers employed by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) are greatly affected by addiction to alcoholism and drug abuse. This hinders their performance of duty.
Such teachers may find themselves on the wrong side of the TSC Code of Conduct and Regulations.
Alcohol, Drug/Substance Abuse (ADA) contributes to conflict, indiscipline and loss of employees at the workplace.
Lack of control of these negative habits has the potential of far reaching effects on the delivery of service and may undermine public confidence in the organization.
The Commission does not, though, victimize such teachers.
Instead, teachers with such disorders have been covered in the latest TSC policy on well being of employees. This policy provides guidelines for the prevention and management of Alcohol and Substance Abuse in the Commission
TS Intervention measures against Alcohol and Drug Abuse
The Commission considers employees who have alcohol and substance disorder to be psychopathic persons with mental illness.
The Commission has therefore adopted the following measures for prevention, management and mitigation of Alcohol and Drug Abuse:
Prohibited the sale and use of alcohol and drugs in all workplaces.
Ensured that employees with alcohol and drug related problems are helped to recover while receiving all services and benefits as stipulated in the Employment contract.
Grants sick leave to all employees with ADA challenges twice within their employment term. Any additional seek leave days shall be granted on a case-by-case basis and at the discretion of the Commission.
“Displays and avails Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials about Alcohol, Drug and substance Abuse at all workplaces.
Supports the formation of psycho-social support networks and encourage employees with ADA issues to join and benefit from the after-care programmes to avoid relapse.
Continuously conducts sensitization programmes on alcohol and substance abuse for employees in all counties
The Commission has also undertaken the following programs to alleviate Alcohol and Drug Abuse at the work place.
Established Psycho-social support networks in all counties to assist employees with ADA related challenges.
Identification, assessment and referral of ADA clients for rehabilitation is always done.
Provision of after-care services to ADA clients.
Conducts peer education, guidance and counseling programmes on ADA
Established and strengthened of ADA desks in all TSC offices across the country.
In case you come across a teacher suffering from Alcohol, Drug/Substance Abuse (ADA), do not hesitate in informing the Commission through your head of institution.
This will go a long way in assisting the teacher to recover from this devastating condition


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