Woman On The Run After Stabbing Husband To Death

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Police in Kirinyaga County are looking for a woman who is alleged to have

 stabbed her husband at Karucho village, Njiki-Ini ward, in Gichugu constituency.





According to Gichugu Sub-county Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI)




officer Millicent Ochuka, the suspect, whom the police have identified as Jackbebi Wanjira Miano 37,




may have stabbed her husband Mathew Njagi  Muriuki 29, at their home.




According to the police, a neighbour found Muriuki lying on the floor of his house bleeding profusely.





“The woman is believed to have stabbed her husband before running away with her six-months-old baby.



There was no one in the compound during the attack, save for the couple,” said officer Ochuka.





The brother, Peter Muchira, said that they were at a family ceremony not very far from the couple’s home when they received news that their son had been stabbed.




“We took our brother to Kianyaga Sub-county hospital on Saturday evening, at around 10pm, where he died as she was being treated,’ Muchira said.





The police recovered a kitchen knife suspected to have been used in the incident.




“Our investigations so far have shown that the two may have been drunk when the incident happened. We are urging residents to help us find the suspect,” said Ochuka.





Residents of Kirinyaga have expressed concern over the rising cases of domestic violence in the region.





The body of the deceased was taken to Kibugi Funeral Home awaiting postmortem.

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