Committee Fails To Find A Virgin To Marry A Youthful Kenyan MP

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It is no secret that Mumias East MP Peter Salasya aka PK is looking for a wife. The first time youthful MP said he needed someone to manage home affairs as he serves his constituents.




So dire was the need that a committee chaired by Matungu MP Peter Nabulindo was set up to accelerate the process.





While attending the burial of the mother of Kakamega governor Fernandes Barasa at Muroni village, Mumias East Constituency,




Nabulindo revealed that that the committee was unable to get a wife for the young legislator because none of the applicants was a virgin.





Key qualifications, he said, were that the lady should be God-fearing, know how to cook and welcome guests at the MP’s home, be a local girl, popularly known as “kienyeji” and be a virgin.





“We had several girls and most of them met the rest of the requirements. However, all of them failed the virginity test, making the committee not find the right wife for our colleague(Salasya),” said Nabulindo amid laughter from the mourners.



He said they tried their best to look for a virgin lady across the country. “We had many good ladies who turned up to be selected as wife to our beloved MP but the virginity qualification locked them out,” said Nabulindo.






During the announcement, Salaysia was seen trying to interject and block Nabulindo from telling the mourners and guests about the findings of the committee amid laughter from the mourners who urged him to let the chair tell them the findings.




A few weeks ago, Kakamega Woman Representative Elsie Muhanda said plans to get a wife for Salasya was in top gear and that they would make sure they get a wife for the MP.




Last month, Muhanda unveiled a special committee to help the Mumias East MP Peter Salasya aka PK get a wife.





“We want him to get a wife so that he can focus on his duties of representing the people while his wife is taking care of the guests and residents at the legislator’s home,” he said.



Muhanda said there were many people who do not know where the MP comes from and ladies from Nairobi would keep on chasing after him, so they wanted a good wife for the young legislator who comes from the Wanga community.




However, Patrick Dhahabu, a Luhya elder, said it was important for the MP to get a wife and not just any wife, but someone who could relate well with people and always welcome all and sundry at the MP’s home.




“He must have been lucky because our community rarely gives unmarried men huge responsibilities like in his case. The community entrusts leadership to responsible men who have demonstrated leadership in their families,” the elder said.





The elders said it was inappropriate for the MP’s mother to continue receiving visitors at his home: “Those are the responsibilities of a wife.”



Some of the elders warned the MP, 31, to stop entertaining mistresses and posting their photos on social media, saying doing so cast him in bad light

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