CS Machogu Announces Special KCPE Exam In January. What It’s All About

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Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu, on Wednesday, announced that a special Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams will be held in January.






Speaking during the release of the 2023 KCPE results at Mtihani House, the CS explained that the examinations will target students who did not sit the national examinations.





The move was necessitated by the fact that this year’s KCPE exam was the last to be administered by the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) as the country fully transitions to the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC).





Machogu added that the special examination will also ensure that the government fulfils the 100 per cent transition policy.





According to the CS, close to 9,000 students did not sit the examination for various reasons.





The Ministry will release the exact dates for the 2024 special exams in due course.





“To ensure that no candidate misses out on joining Form One from the final 2023 KCPE examination cohort, the Ministry of Education will conduct thorough mapping of any of those who may have failed to sit their examination this year in order to administer a Special Exam in January 2024,”

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