Ruto’s Government Now Intends To Manufacture Affordable Phones For ‘Hustlers.’

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ICT Cabinet Secretary, Eliud Owalo, announced the government’s plan to take advantage of Konza City’s technological advancement to manufacture cheap electronics, including phones for hustlers.





While touring the multi-billion project on Thursday, November 3, Owalo noted that Konza City was strategically positioned to improve technology in the country.





Owalo added the city will play an integral role in implementing the Hustler Fund, set to be disbursed on December 1, 2022.





“For us to roll out the fund, we need cheap but adequately IT-enabled devices, this is where Konza comes in. We see Konza as a way of innovation (through which we can) manufacture handsets that can cheaply be accessed by hustlers,” he explained.





Information, Communication Technology and Digital Economy Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo arriving at KBC on Tuesday November 1, 2022.
Information, Communication Technology, and Digital Economy Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo arriving at KBC on Tuesday, November 1, 2022.


“Konza plays a major role in the implementation of the Hustler Fund. As we launch it, we are relying on technology to help access and repayment of the same,” he added.





While stating that the project was at the heart of the bottom-up economic strategy, the CS hinted at the government setting up a data centre to hold all government information and enhance security.





“We want to organise government data in one secure and easily accessible location. Konza is already in a substantial position for the establishment of the data centre. We will pick government data and have it domiciled within the data centre,” he explained.





The multi-billion project will also lower unemployment by equipping Kenyans with technical, innovative, and software skills.





“We want to enhance the level of our innovation and creativity, this is a move we envisage that we will be able to create multiple jobs for our youths,” the CS said.




“Kenya can attract direct foreign investment based on the

infrastructure that we already have while leveraging on the technology,” Owalo enthusiastically stated.





The CS toured the area to check on the progress of the project launched in 2009 by the late President Mwai Kibaki as part of Vision 2030.

A building at Konza City
A building at Konza City.
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