Video Of African Chiefs Heavily Gifting Queen Elizabeth II With Massive Gold Surfaces.

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-A video of the Queen’s visit to Ghana in 1961 has reappeared online following her demise on Thursday, September 8, 2022



-The video showed many chiefs lining up before Queen Elizabeth II to give her many gifts in gold ornaments.


-The biggest gold gift to the British monarch was a miniature palanquin made from solid gold.



Following the demise of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday, an old video has emerged showing some Ghanaian chiefs giving away massive gold to the monarch during her historic first visit in 1961.







The video captures the chiefs at Cape Coast lining up in turns to give away the gold gifts to the Queen of England, her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip, and their children back in Britain when they visited Cape Coast in 1961.




The British Pathe film, posted on YouTube on April 13, 2014, shows a durbar of chiefs and people held for the Queen and her husband at the former capital of the Gold Coast.


After the president of the house of chiefs introduced the Royal delegation to the Fante chiefs, it was their time to show appreciation for the visit with many gold gifts.




The British monarchy received a solid gold miniature palanquin, described as the principal gift from the Fante chiefs. Then came special gifts to the visiting monarchs:




The Duke of Edinburgh received a solid gold linguist’s staff beautifully crafted. Queen Elizabeth II received a miniature gold sword.





Princess Anne received a gold bracelet, while Prince Charles (now King Charles) and Prince Andrew also received gold gifts from the Fante Chiefs.




Before the Cape Coast durbar, a durbar of chiefs and people was held in Kumasi. Over 50 chiefs and thousands of Ghanaian citizens were at this durbar.



When the British Royals arrived at the Kumasi Sports Stadium (now Baba Yara Sports Stadium),





Kwame Nkrumah led them to greet the different chiefs that were gathered there from different parts of the country.




Queen Elizabeth’s Death Calls for Change in UK A lot of change is set to come after Queen Elizabeth II’s death. With her son,




Prince Charles taking over the rule, gone are the days of praising the Queen as a King is now in charge. One of the many changes expected is that of the United Kingdom national anthem.





As it stated, “God Save the Queen” will now have to be changed to “God Save the King.” All of the lyrics will remain the same, other than “queen” being replaced with “king” and “she” and “her” being replaced with “he” and “him,” reported Insider.

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