Shihatu Students Strip To Protest Restrictions Against Boyfriends

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On Tuesday 7th December 2021, a bizarre incident occurred when  students of the well respected high school, Shihatu Girls Secondary School located in Mumias sub-county stripped and walked  naked in broad daylight.



The incident followed failure to admit the students request by the school  management which outrightly rejected their plea to go and meet their



Boyfriends of Lubinu  Boys High School,  Lubinu  Boys High School are currently at home following a dormitory fire incident at their school.



Upon contacting the authorities for help by the school administration,  things got thicker as the police intervened to try and contain the unruly students, they  were overpowered by the then – nude students.



Out of lack of options, the police smartly ran away from the girls, with the school authorities thus deciding to release the students.
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