Teachers Service Commission Commits To Pay Senior Teachers All Their Dues

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The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia has announced that the seniors teachers who have served in the commission diligently over the years will get their dues.




The commission has come for the welfare of the teachers who are about to retire and those who have recently retired.



According to the report that TSC has released, Ms Macharia noted that the commission has submitted 4,800teachers’ pension claim files to the National treasury for the processing of payments.




The claims are part of the expected 6,140 files that the TSC expects to send to the Pensions Department by the end of this month based on the teachers who will have reached the retirement age of 60. What great news these are!




According to a record of the Pensions Status document, the aforementioned claims were forwarded to the National Treasury between January and November, in the year 2021.




Normally, the Teachers Service Commission gives a two-year notice to teachers nearing retirement requesting them to submit mandatory documents for processing.



This includes essential documents such as the very first payslip, when one was starting the career. Moreover, teachers who wish to change their pay points (banks) from the ones used for channeling their monthly salaries are required to do so at least six months before the date for retirement to avoid unnecessary delays, which have killed the hopes of many, making some to even pass away having not seen a cent of their pension dues.



Speaking at a recent media workshop, Dr Nancy Macharia cautioned teachers not to fall prey to fraudsters who demand cash with fake promises of speeding up payment since the Commission has streamlined the process.



This comes shortly after criminals were nabbed colluding to collect KES 100,000 from a pessimistic teacher to aid in payment of his pension.

We’ve tried to spread the word but some teachers still fall prey to these tricksters. Why should one pay for a service that should be free? I’m calling upon teachers not to pay a cent to have their dues processed,” Dr. Nancy said in a statement.

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