30 Political Parties That Have Joined Raila’s Azimio La Umoja

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On Saturday, March 13, former Prime Minister and the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader, Raila Odinga, received a major boost in his presidential bid after 30 political parties joined his Azimio La Umoja political faction.




Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka led hundreds of delegates in joining the Azimio La Umoja where a pre-election deal was signed.




Other tangible persons who graced the Azimio La Umoja National Delegates Convention (NDC) included President Uhuru Kenyatta who will also serve as the coalition’s patron besides being the Jubilee Party leader.




Gideon Moi of KANU, Cyrus Jirongo of United Democratic Party, Charity Ngilu of Narc, and Kiraitu Murungi of Devolution Empowerment Party were also present and their parties signed the deal.




Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua of Maendeleo Chap Chap Party, Laikipia Governor Nderitu Mureithi of Democratic Party, and Defence Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa of Democratic Action Party, and former Transport Principal Secretary Irungu Nyakera of the Farmers Party were also party of the deal.




Governors Kivutha Kibwana (Makueni), Wycliff Oparanya (Kakamega), and Anyang Nyong’o (Kisumu) were also present.




However, Martha Karua of Narc-Kenya, was conspicuously missing despite having penned a deal with the One Kenya Alliance (OKA) on Friday, March 11.




Kalonzo, who was the main act in the function, agreed to work with Raila days after he announced that he would not back the former Prime Minister for the presidency again.




The Wiper leader had demanded that Raila endorses him, arguing that the 2017 pre-election pact they entered was still valid.




These are the parties that have joined Azimio;

1. Orange Democratic Movement (ODM)


2. Jubilee party


3. Wiper Party






6. Democratic Action Party of Kenya (DAP-K)


7. The Party of National Unity (PNU)


8. United Democratic Movement (UDM)


10. Maendeleo Chap Chap


11. The Muungano Party (MP)


12. Devolution Empowerment Party


13. Democratic Party (DP)


14. UPYA


15. Kenya United Party (KUP)


16. Farmers Party


17. United Democratic Party


18. Pamoja African Alliance (PAA)


19. Ubuntu Party


20. National Reconstruction Alliance (NRA)


21. The People’s Trust Party


22. Chama Cha Uzalendo (CCU)


23. National Liberal Party


24. Kenya Social Congress


25. Movement for Democracy and Growth (MDG)


26. Kenya National Congress (KNC)


27. Kenya Reform Party


28. National Agenda Party of Kenya


29. Party of Growth and Prosperity


30. United Progressive Alliance

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