Registration Of A Private School In Kenya.

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Starting up a private school in Kenya requires that one first registers it as a company. After this, you are requited to register the school with the ministry of Education through the county education office.
Once you have made your registration with the ministry’s county office, the officers from the ministry will visit the site where the school should be located to check whether you have followed the guidelines as laid down by the education Ministry. Once the officers get satisfied with the with the applicant, they will then refer you to the ministry’s head office in Nairobi with all the documents.

The required documents include;

1. Duly Completed and signed application forms for the institution.
2. Duly Completed and signed application forms for the Manager of the institution.
3. A recent Full School Inspection Report from the DEO’s/MEO’S or PDE’s Office (stamped & signed)
4. A detailed recent Public health/Sanitary Inspection Report (stamped and signed)
5. Title/Deed/Allotment letter or a valid Lease Agreement covering a period of not less than 8 years.
6. Certified copies of professional and academic certificates of all teachers/Manager
7. Certified copies of registration certificates of the teachers with T.S.C.
8. Supporting D.E.B minutes or Extract from the D.E.B minutes signed by the Secretary and Chairman
9. Site/Plan/Sketches of the institution showing the existing facilities and future development or extension plans.
10. A copy of the Registration of the institution’s Business Name under the Business names Act or A certified
copy of the registration of the organization as a Society or Limited Company and a copy of the Memorandum
of Association.
11. Registration fees (Bankers Cheque made to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology). Money/Postal orders are NOT ACCEPTED.

The charges for registration are as follows;
(i) Public Schools (Provisional and Re-registration)- 1000/=
(ii) Private (Provisional Registration)-10,000/=
(iii) Private (Re and Full Registration)-5,000/=
(iv) Church / Religious Based Schools (Provisional and Re-registration)-4,000/=
In addition to the above documents, the school should contain the following facilities for effective service delivery.
1. Indoor and outdoor playing facilities. These should even carter for those children with disabilities.
2. Administrative Offices
3. Sanitary facilities like toilets which must be separated for boys and girls
4. Kitchen and Dining room for those taking lunch in school
5. Classrooms should be standard i.e 7m × 8m that can accommodate 50 learners for primary school and 45 learners for secondary schools or 7m × 6m for 45 learners in preschool.
6. The school should be equipped with a store
7. A science room (For science subjects) or other rooms for special subjects
Since quality education is Paramount, the Education standards and quality Assurance Council is obligated to carry out the assessment on standards of the school, quality assurance, evaluate, monitor and oversee the implementation of APBET programmes that will enhance quality education.

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