Special Category Of People To Secure Chance As Kazi Mtaani Phase 3 Kicks Off.

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Kazi Mtaani Phase 3 Kicks Off. See The Category Of Youths Given Priority and Amount Payable Per Day*




Kazi Mtaani is an initiative by the state department of housing and urban development which was launched in April 2020.




The third phase of the Kazi Mtaani has kicked off in Lamu, with about 4,773 youths across the county receiving job opportunities.





The Third phase has also been expanded and will have 533,608 youth from all wards across the country participate in the program.





The launch took place at Mokowe Secondary School and culminated with a clean-up of the Mokowe Jetty and the planting of approximately 500 trees on the Mokowe Secondary grounds.






It was a financial hardship prevention initiative for Youth aged between 18-35 years old, particularly those who were most vulnerable and affected by the COVID 19 pandemic and its ensuing lockdown effects.





Speaking when he launched the exercise, Lamu county commissioner Irungu Macharia said the third phase of the programme will also equip the youth





with life skills aimed at creating job opportunities as well as enable them to engage in self-employment in fields such as plumbing, masonry, and carpentry among others.





He said the initiative had given special consideration to widows, widowers, single parents and teen mothers falling within the specified age bracket.





Macharia said the exercise had ensured gender parity to ensure both genders benefit from the initiative.





“We put in mind gender balance. This year’s exercise will put more consideration on teen mothers, single parents, widows and widowers whom we have identified as the most





vulnerable and needy in the age group of 18 to 35 years. We urged them to work hard and not waste such opportunities,” said Macharia.


The commissioner revealed that all recruits will be paid Sh.455 per day while their supervisors will be paid Sh.505 a day.






He urged the successful recruits to take the work seriously and warned that anyone who skips work even for a day for no good reason will be removed and the chance given to a more deserving person.




“We hope we will not have to fire people midway before the end of this program but that will happen if people play,” said Macharia.







He said no education qualifications are required in the exercise and that anyone capable is welcome to apply

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