HELB: See What Will Block You From Accessing HELB Loans.

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The Higher Loans Board (HELB)  funds has given out sad news  to students who join university while they are under 18.

The cabinet Secretary for Education Prof  George Magoha yesterday said the national ID is a mandatory document in a HELB loan application.
He insisted that  the loan application is only accessed by Kenyan citizens.
He also added that all applicants’ national Identity Card numbers are validated against Integrated Population Registration System (IPRS) which is a database that  links other systems to the third generation ID card.
In a statement , the CS said that the law of contract constrains persons under the age of 18 from entering in a contractual agreement, including loan agreements.
Speaking before the national assembly education committee,Prof added that this poses a risk of non-recovery of loans disbursed to minors as disputes may arise on account of contravening provisions of Law of Contract Act.
In this meeting, the MPs demanded an explanation from the CS on why the release of HELB funds had delayed for students joining universities and other institutions of higher learning for academic year 2021/2022.
Responding to Delayed funds.
The CS stated  that HELB invited loan applications for first time applicants on July 19 but students could not immediately make applications because they were yet to be placed.
He added that  placement results were released a month later on August 17.
In addition to this, he added that  universities commenced admissions a week after placement something  that Subjected to  students did not getting sufficient time to make loan application requests.
An example is University of Nairobi first year students who were called to report on August 30 which was  just a week after placement and receiving the admission letters.
HELB had received and processed a total of 13,091 loan application requests and awarded Sh588 millionas at last week .
Out of this, Sh247 million was released to 10,897 students to cater for upkeep for their first semester.


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