”I Merit Your Votes.” 2022 MCA Rolex Owino Tells Central Sakwa & Teachers

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”I Merit Your Votes.” 2022 MCA Rolex Owino Tells Central Sakwa & Teachers

While addressing the media at Awendo town, Central Sakwa Member of County Assembly, MCA aspirant Mr. Rolex Owino expressed his determination to see to it that the residents of Sakwa access the best of services during his term upon being elected in August this year.




Mr. Rolex expressed disappoinment that Central Sakwa has not benefitted from devotion which H.E Raila Amolo Odinga so very much fought for.





“It is hurting that our people of Central Sakwa have nothing to show as development Projects from devolution through their previous representation at the county assembly. And this is what I seek your mandate through the power of your votes to correct.” Said MCA to be.





While talking he added that he is best suited for the task as he has a track record owing to his performance as a teacher. Hon. Rolex lifted from his achievements as a teacher. While at St. Joseph’s Rapogi High School, he said he emerged as the ‘Teacher Of The Year’ in the whole country where he was awarded TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD, TOYA in the year 2017 having posted exemplary mean.




The MCA in waiting equally added that his performance was not limited only to classroom. He also served teachers at other levels for instance, the teachers union, Kenya Union Of Post Primary Teachers KUPPET as the vice Secretary.




“I have been so passionate about matters education and having served as an award-winning teacher TOYA and also served teacher at union, KUPPET level, I am therefore ready to serve at other levels as well and so I seek your mandate as people of Central Sakwa and all my colleague teachers, It is not fear for classroom that I quit. our people need better services.” Mr. Rolex added.




The former History/English teacher has since quit the profession in readiness for another calling, an MCA.




“I have resigned and I’ll boldly go for the ODM ticked in seeking your permission to serve. ” Noted Mr. Rolex.




In his simpler approach, he observed that Central Sakwa exists in three segments namely, the town sector, Sony Company sector and the village. He focused on ensuring that each sector’s interest is factored in and addressed.




“My agenda for the people of Central Sakwa will be to ensure I look into the provision of proper education, better drainage, good cemetery services as my key pillars amongst others. I’m safe in the knowledge that the people of Central Sakwa, my colleague teachers, my former students and parents that I did serve diligently will still enjoy my services as an MCA. ” Mr. Rolex aka ‘Loch’ concluded.



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