President Ruto’s List Of PS Nominees Rejected.

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On Wednesday President William Ruto released a list of nominees for the



positions of permanent secretaries(PS) in various ministries in his government for approval by the various parliamentary committees





A top human rights agency has faulted  Ruto over his list of Principal Secretary nominees, saying it was unconstitutional.





The Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) has accused Ruto of ignoring constitutional provisions in the




appointments of National Assembly Committee leaders and nominations of PSs.





In a statement, KHRC raised the alarm on the breach of the two-thirds gender rule and the ethnic balance requirement,



citing Article 27(3) of the Constitution, which provides for equality and freedom from discrimination.






According to the commission, the nominations were a clear indication the President was still in ‘election and




campaign mode’ and had failed to understand his role as a symbol and pillar of national unity.






The commission also has a bone of contention with the first in command over the appointment of women the powerful PS positions.






Do you think the President acted in all fairness while appointing the PS’ ?

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