Forget the delaying ‘Huduma’ SMS alert. This is how you’ll get the card.    

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There is no cause for alarm for any Kenyan who has not, by now received an SMS alert directing them on whether or not their cards are ready. The same alert should indicate when and where to pick the huduma card.

Huduma card processing and issuance is a government initiative geared at enhancing government services through one card. However, as it stands, majority seems to have braved the long wait for the SMS alert.

The good news today is, the government has launched an effecient online portal in line with its commitment and consistency to ensure awareness on the acquisition of the huduma namba card is heightened. This is intended to aid tracking status of the much desired Huduma namba card by all concerned parties

In a statement received by the media, Government spokesperson Cyrus Oguna released a timely information to every Kenyan unable to access the huduma namba card to log onto to the portal to determine whether the Huduma Namba card is already printed, and if possibly so where to collect it immediately by just clicking

Having clicked the above link, one is instantly required to enter their Identity (ID) card number followed by the search button to be able to access information on the printing status and also know the point of collection.

Going by the data, Mr. Oguna reveals that a total of 9,154,184 cards have so far been processed and subsequently dispatched, out of the number, 6,003,144 have since been collected.

“The government is so delighted to report that the number of cards collected has continued to grow steadily and therefore urges us all, particularly those who have out of good efforts received notification messages, to proceed and instantly collect their cards,” Mr. Cyrus Oguna expressed

He further added that the government is determinedly planning to roll out massive Phase II registration and that the due date shall soon be made known to be enable those who had not registered to do so.

What remained a bit uncertain is the fate of the children who were equally registered for the huduma numba cards by their parents or whoever responsible for them.

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