Gov. Simba Arati Launches Kisii County Boda boda Sacco To Improve Lives.

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Over 10,000 Boda Boda operators spread across nine constituencies in Kisii County,




will enjoy credit facilities at an affordable rate, after the official launch of the county Boda Boda Sacco.





Speaking at Gusii stadium on Friday during the launch of the sacco, Kisii Governor Simba Arati said all operators should join the Sacco, to uplift their living standards.





“I have created the county credit scheme where you can get loans at an affordable rate, kupitia kwa sacco hii lazima tutaleta adabu baina yetu sisi wenyewe,” Arati said.





 “I always advice the youths to maintain peace and avoid being used by politicians who are out to use them for political reasons.”





There were calls for boda boda operators’ unity, amid rising cases of insecurity and defilement, associated with transporters in the villages.





The Gusii stadium meeting also incorporated officers from the national government,




who said they would work closely with the Boda Boda operators, to improve the sector.





“Mimi nahimiza wanaboda boda hawa kwamba msipoteze hii nafafi ambayo imepatikana,” DCC, Kisii Central Wilberforce Kilonzo urged.





Sector leaders said they would keep records of their ever-increasing members, to avoid infiltration by criminals,




with Governor Arati donating Ksh. 5 million to the Sacco, to kick start its operations.





 “Tumeanza harakati ya kukagua wenzetu wote wenye wanaoperate kisii na kila stage ili kumaliza ukora ndio maana tumekuja pamoja kwa ushirikiano na kaunti na national government,” Vice Chairman Boda Boda Sector in Kisii Moses Ondieki said.





Emanuel Asiago the sector spokesperson added: ”Sisi viongozi tumefanya mikutano kabisa na wenzatu kabla mtu kuungana nasi lazima apite kwa chief ili akuwe na maadili mema katika hii sector.”





Operators commended the county for the move and said it was a huge milestone in their daily to day lives.





 “Nashukuru sana gavana kwa kutuqnzishia sacco katika mji huu wetu wa kisii, tumeshukuru sana,” said Duke Osoro Boda Boda rider.

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