Pay Rise For Teachers And Civil Servants

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Pay Boom For Teachers And Civil Servants.
The National Treasury has delivered good news to teachers and all other civil servants.
Teachers and civil servants are among the biggest winners of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s last budget of Ksh 3.31 trillion as he is on his way out of the office next year.
President Uhuru Kenyatta Kenyatta has allowed and given more money allocation to the teachers and civil servants as he is preparing to quit office next year.
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has been given Ksh 15 billion extra to pay the teachers and employ more teachers in the education sector.
For years now, teachers in Kenya have been crying about low salaries and poor working conditions with many teachers battling poverty despite their huge contribution to the education sector and other sectors in the country
President Uhuru has finally remembered teachers together with other civil servants for they will get lay rise next year.
Daily nation media has reported that the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will receive an extra Sh15 billion for the 2022/23 financial year. The additional money is for a pay rise and the hiring of new teachers.
The Treasury Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yatani is said to have allocated an extra Sh14.9 billion to the TSC. This means that the TSC budget has risen to Sh296.6 billion from Sh 281.7 billion this year.
The salary boom has been announced when it is least expected after the teachers’ Unions signed a non-monetary 2021-2025 collective bargaining agreement (CBA) which angered many teachers across the country.
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