Good News To Cherara 4 As Commissioner Masit Takes Unusual Move.

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Irene Masit, a disgraced commissioner for the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC),



has taken action to protect the other Cherera 4 commissioners.



Irene Masit is seeking an order from President William Ruto to remove former IEBC vice chairpersons Juliana Cherera,



Francis Wanderi, Justus Nyang’aya and others in court suits.

He wants the three commissioners, who have since voluntarily resigned,



to be reinstated and have full rights as IEBC commissioners under the law, subject to the process and action of the tribunal chaired by Agre Muchelule.




According to NTV, Irene Masit is requesting that the Supreme Court’s constitutional division halt the news


notice’s removal of her other commissioners as of December 2 of this year.




The four IEBC commissioners are to be questioned over their conduct during the August general elections where they



arranged a press conference to dispute the declaration of William Ruto as president by IEBC chairperson Wafula Chebukati.







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