More Teachers To Be Employed Urgently By The Government To Take Care Of Shortfall. See Details.

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In most cases, the education system in Kenya creates skills that are not valued by employers, while increasing the expectation of those who acquire them.

As a result, unemployed do not take the existing job vacancies and employers are not ready to hire the available candidates.

Unemployment in Kenya is attributed to several factors including: rapid growth of population and labor force, skill mismatch, information problems in the labor market and even the establishment of the labor market.

Relief to all unemployed Kenyans as the government plans to hire more CBC teachers. The government plans to hire more teachers for the Competency -based curriculum.

Professor Fatuma Chege, Principal Secretary for Implementation of Curriculum Reforms in the Ministry of Education, said that the current number of teachers cannot effectively handle the expected student population to be transferred to secondary schools during the double intake set for 2023.

Speaking in Naivasha yesterday, Chege said they were working closely with other state agencies to resolve the teaching staff issue.

She said that a task force and personnel constituted to look into this issue of infrastructure have already submitted their recommendations.

Keep visiting this page as I would update you immediately the vacancies are advertised


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