Form 1 girl peppers staffroom tea with Viagra at school

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It’s all shock and utter disbelief in Murumbe secondary school following a horrendous incident earlier Friday, 17Th September,2021. A student at the said center of learning is alleged to have peppered staffroom tea with Viagra.

The Form 1 Student is said to have added Viagra to Staffroom tea upon which, failure to notice was consumed by teachers with zeal and enthusiasm like has always been the norm with the regular tea served to teachers in the said room.
Murumbe Secondary school teachers in Embu County have since been subjected to medical arrest in the school’s classrooms after the incident in an attempt to unearth the extent of the effect and try to contain the situation speedily.
According to reports, the student identified as Jenifer Ndwiga added viagra to the teachers’ tea following her punishment on Thursday afternoon. Her anger to hit back at her teachers got her to this daring end.
A teacher (name withheld), from the school is reported to have been rushed to nearest hospital to seek further medical redress as his response to the drug defied primary medical line of actions.
Reportedly, a manhunt for the learner is said to have been launched after authorities had caught wind of her disappearance from within the school vicinity.
Such incidents of gross indiscipline amongst learners have been witnessed countrywide with a number of them seeing coordinated ambushed attacks on teachers by learners, some have organized torching of school facilities, violence meted on other students, suicide, rape and attempted rape ordeals amongst others.
Such actions are argued to have sparked off debates on whether or not boarding schools should be done away with. A move that equally attracted attention of Kuppet, teacher’s unions attention which turned up in support of the move.
Stakeholders especially parents have then since been appealed to to step up their game in having the young ones correctly brought up on suitable values such as respect for the elderly in the society, hard work, being responsible among others..


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