Kenyans ‘Wowed’ By The DP’s Approximated Huge Budget Of The 31 Members Trip To The USA & UK.

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Kenyans Take To Social Media To Calculate The Financial Cost Implications To DP Ruto’s 31 Members Trip Abroad.



Deputy President William Ruto and Amani National Congress (ANC) party leader Musalia Mudavadi have left the country for a 10-day tour of the United States and the United Kingdom.




The two Kenya Kwanza co-principals left on Sunday morning for the trip occasioned by invites from senior government officials and top policy institutes of the two nations.




DP Ruto is expected to engage in a conversation on foreign policy, the future of governance and economic development in Kenya, East Africa, and the African continent.




He will speak at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and at the University of Arizona’s Washington Entrepreneurship Hub.





The DP will, additionally, meet officials of the State Department and the Pentagon as well as the US Government National Security Council (NSC) Advisor.




As part of popularizing his August General Election presidential bid, Ruto will meet Kenyans in both the U.S and the U.K.




On the other hand, Mudavadi will give an address to Kenyans living in the diaspora in a bid to drum up support for his presidential bid.




Of much more interest to many is the number that flanked the duo, the Second Lady Rachel Ruto, Narok Governor Josphat Nanok, his Kwale counterpart Governor Salim Mvuryan and Kirinyaya’s Anne Waigiru.



Senators in the brigade are Nakuru Senator Susan Kihika, Elgeyo Marakwet,  Uasin Gishu. Others are Mathira MP Rigathi Gachagua,  Ndindi Nyoro (Kiharu), Kimani Ichungw’a (Kikuyu) Alice Wahome.




Garissa Township MP Aden Duale, Kilifi North’s Owen Baya, Soipan Tuya (Narok), Vihiga Woman Representative Beatrice Adagala, as well as aides & support staff from Office of Deputy President will also be on the trip, a total of 31 as Kenyans are keen to observe.





However, numerous critical Kenyans took to social media to show shock at the financial implications of the trip with some roughly calculating the approximated money to be spent on the trip.


An image of the approximated cost of the trip as calculated by Kenyans.


The budget profoundly wowed many.

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