National Police Service, NPS Recruitment For Police Constables. See the List and Venue

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Boost To The Internal Security With The Recruitment Of 4,700 Police Officers 2022. These Are The Details Including Recruiting Centers In Each County




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Pursuant to Chapter VI and Articles 10; 27(8); 232; 246(3); 246(4), of the Constitution of Kenya; Sections 10, 11 and 12 of the National Police Service Commission Act and Section 7 (3) of National Police Service Commission Recruitment and Appointment Regulations 2015, I the Inspector General, in exercise of powers delegated to me by the National Police Service Commission, seek to recruit 4,700 suitably qualified applicants to be trained as Police Constables.

1.Police job

Entry Requirements

The Applicant Must:

1. Be a citizen of Kenya

2. Hold a Kenya National Identity Card

3. Possess a minimum qualification of ‘D+’(D Plus) and above in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination with a ‘D+’ (D Plus) and above in either English or Kiswahili languages;

4. Be aged between 18 and 28 years 5. Meets the requirements of chapter six of the constitution.

6. Is physically, mentally and medically fit

7. Has no criminal record or pending criminal charges.

Female candidates Must Not be pregnant at recruitment and during the entire training period.


1. Examinational Result slips shall not be accepted.

2. An applicant who:

a) Canvasses directly or indirectly;

b) Willfully presents false academic certificates and testimonials;

c) Engages in any corrupt activity;

Shall be disqualified and in the case of (b) and (c) in addition be arrested and prosecuted.


Under section 25 of the National Police Service Commission Act, any person who willfully gives to the Commission any information which is false or misleading in any material particular, commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand shillings (Ksh. 200,000) or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two (2) years or to both.


2. Kenya Police Recruitment – Gender Balance & Diversity

The recruited applicants shall reflect the gender, ethnic and regional diversity of the Kenyan people

3. Application Submission

All candidates must complete the prescribed application form obtainable from any of the following

a. The nearest Sub-County Police Commander (SCPC) or any police station

b. The nearest Sub-County Administration Police Commander’s (CIPU) offices

C. County Commissioner’s Offices

d. The nearest Huduma Centres

Forms can also be downloaded from the following websites;,,,


All applications must be submitted in duplicate, accompanied with the following documents:

a. A copy of the academic certificates and testimonials;

b. A copy of the Kenya National I/D;

c. A copy of the applicant’s Birth Certificate;

d. KRA Pin CertificateApplicants must present themselves at the recruitment centre with the duly completed form on the day of the recruitment exercise



1. Each applicant must present the original supporting documents for verification. The originals will be returned to the applicant before the applicant leaves the recruitment centre.


2. Applicants recruited for the training into the Service shall be bonded to serve in the National Police Service for a minimum period of ten (10) years.


4.Commencement of Recruitment

The recruitment Process will take place on Thurday 24th March 2022 starting at 8:00am to 5.00pm at the following Constituency-based Recruitment Centres.

All Applicants must be at their respective recruitment centres by 8:00am





Here are details of 2022 Kenya Police Recruitment – Dates and places of Kenya Police Recruitment – February Monday 22nd at 8am – 5pm; See list of recruitment centres below.

County Code → → County → S/No → Constituency → → Sub county → Centre

1 → → Mombasa → 1 → → Changamwe → Changamwe → → Changamwe Oil Refineries

1 → → Mombasa → 2 → → Jomvu → → Jomvu → → Nys Mamlai Grounds

1 → → Mombasa → 3 → → Kisauni → → Kisauni → → Kisauni police Divison HQS

1 → → Mombasa → 4 → → Likoni → → Likoni → → Likoni Approved Ground

1 → → Mombasa → 5 → → Mvita → → Mvita → → Mombasa (Mvita Grounds)

1 → → Mombasa → 6 → → Nyali → → Nyali → → ASK Show Ground

2 → → Kwale → 7 → → Kinango → Kinango and Saburu Kwale → → Vurungani Stadium

2 → → Kwale → 8 → → Lunga Lunga → → LungaLunga → → Lunga Lunga Stadium Ground

2 → → Kwale → 7 → → Kinango → Kinango and Saburu Kwale → → Vurungani Stadium


2 → → Kwale → 8 → → Lunga Lunga → → LungaLunga → → Lunga Lunga Stadium Ground


2 → → Kwale → 9 → → Matuga → → Matuga → → Matuga Baraza park (Kwale)


2 → → Kwale → 10 → → Msambweni → → Msambweni → → Msambweni Stadium4 → → Tana River → → 18 → → Buran Tana North → Bura District HQS



3 → → Kilifi → → 11 → → Ganze → → Ganze and Kauma → → Ganze Market Ground

3 → → Kilifi → → 12 → → Kauma → → Kauma DCc’S Office Market Ground

3 → → Kilifi → → → 13 → → Kaloleni → → Kaloleni → → Council Grounds Kaloleni

3 → → Kilifi → → 14 → → Kilifi North → → Kilifi North → → Bahari Stadium

3 → → Kilifi → → 15 → → Kilifi South → → Kilifi South → → Kikambala DCC’s Office

3 → → Kilifi → → 16 → → Kilifi South → → Chonyi → → Mwembekati

3 → → Kilifi → → 17 → → Magarini → → Magarini → → Magarini District HQS

3 → → Kilifi → → 18 → → Malindi → → Malindi → → Magarini Alska Grounds

3 → → Kilifi → → → 19 → → Rabai → → Rabai → → Rabai Mkapuni Open Grounds

4 → → Tana River → → 19 → → Galole → → Tana River → Hola Stadium


4 → → Tana River → → 20 → → Garsen → Tana Delta → → Tana Delta District HQS9 → → Mandera → → 39 → → Mandera South → Kutulo and Mandera Central → → Elwak Police Station

5 → → Lamu → → 23 → → Lamu East → → Faza Football Field

5 → → Lamu → → 24 → → Lamu West → → Tiger Grounds

5 → → Lamu → → 25 → → Lamu Central → → Kibaki Grounds Mokomani

6 → → Taita Taveta → → 26 → → Mwatate → → Mwatate → → Soko Ya Samani Play Grounds

6 → → Taita Taveta → → Taveta → → 27 → → Taveta → → Taveta Air Strip

6 → → Taita Taveta → → Voi → → 28 → → Voi → → Voi Stadium

6 → → Taita Taveta → → Wundanyi → → 29 → → Wundanyi (Taita) → → Wundanyi Stadium

7 → → Garissa → → 30 → → Balambala → → Balambala → → DC’s Office Balambala

7 → → Garissa → → 31 → → Dadaab → → Dadaab → → Dadaab police Station

7 → → Garissa → → 32 → → Dujis (Garissa T/Ship) → → Garissa → → Garissa PTC Grounds

7 → → Garissa → → 33 → → Fafi → → Fafi → → Bura East police Station

7 → → Garissa → → 34 → → Ijara → → Ijara and Hulugho → → Msalani police Divison HQS

7 → → Garissa → → 35 → → Lagdera → → Lagdera → → Modogashe Primary

8 → → Wajir → → → 33 → → Wajir East → → Wajir East → → Wajir Stadium

8 → → Wajir → → → 33 → → Wajir East → → Khor of Harar → → Khor of Harar DCC’s Office

8 → → Wajir → → → 34 → → Wajir South → → Wajir South → → Leheley Play Ground

8 → → Wajir → → → 34 → → Wajir South → → Wajir South → → Habasweini Baraza Park

8 → → Wajir → → → 35 → → Wajir West → → Wajir West → → Griftu Play Ground

8 → → Wajir → → → 36 → → Wajir North → → Wajir North → → Bute Police Station

8 → → Wajir 36 → → Wajir North → → Buna → → Buna DCC Ground

8 → → Wajir → → → 37 → → Eldas → → Eldas → → Eldas Baraza Park

8 → → Wajir → → → 38 → → Tarbaj → → Tarbaj → → DC’S Office Tarbaj

9 → → Mandera → → 40 → → Mandera West → → Mandera West → → DC’S Office Mandera West


9 → → Mandera → → 41 → → Mandera East → → Mandera East → → Mandera East DCC’S Office


9 → → Mandera → → 41 → → Mandera East → → Arabia → → Arabia DCC’S Office


9 → → Mandera → → 41 → → Banisa → → Banisa → → Kiliwehiri


9 → → Mandera → → 42 → → Mandera North → → Mandera North → → DC’S Office HQS


9 → → Mandera → → 43 → → Banisa → → Banisa → → Baraza Park


9 → → Mandera → → 44 → → Lafey → → Lafey → → Lafey DC’S Office HQS10 → → Marsabit → 45 → → Saku → → Marsabit Central → → Marsabit Police Division HQS


10 → → Marsabit → 46 → → Laisamis → → Marsabit South → → Laisamis police Division HQS 10 → → Marsabit → 46 → → Laisamis → → Loiyangalani → → Loiyangalani Police Station


10 → → Marsabit → 47 → → Moyale → → Moyale → → Moyale Police Station


10 → → Marsabit → 47 → → Moyale → → Sololo → → Sololo Youth Play Ground


10 → → Marsabit → 48→ → → North Horr → → North Horr → → North Horr police Div.HQS


10 → → Marsabit → 48→ → → North Horr → → Dukana → → Dukana


10 → → Marsabit → 48→ → → North Horr → → Turbi → → Turbi DCC’S Office


10 → → Marsabit → 48→ → → North Horr → → Marsabit North → → DC’S Office Maikona13 → → Tharaka Nithi → → 60 → → Chuka/IgambaNgombe → → IgambaNgombe → → Chuka Town DC’S Baraza Ground

11 → → Isiolo → → 49 → → Isiolo North → → Isiolo police Division HQS

11 → → Isiolo → → 49 → → Isiolo North → → Merti → → Merti DC’S HDQS

11 → → Isiolo → → 50 → → Isiolo South → → Garbatula → → Garbatula police Div HQS

12 → → Meru → → 51 → → Central Imenti → → Meru Central → Githongo Stadium

12 → → Meru → → 52 → → Igembe Central → → Igembe Central → → Kangeta DCC play ground

12 → → Meru → → 53 → → Igembe North → → Igembe North → → Muringine Play Ground

12 → → Meru → → 54 → → Igembe South → → Igembe South → → Maua Stadium

See also  Deputy President Dr Ruto and his allies dismiss Raila declaration to run for president

12 → → Meru → → 55 → → Buuri → → Buuri West → → Timau Stadium

12 → → Meru → → 55 → → Buuri → → Buuri East → → Kiirua DCC’S Office

12 → → Meru → → 56 → → North Imenti → → Imenti North → → Kinoru Stadium

12 → → Meru → → 57 → → South Imenti → → Imenti South → → Nkubu Stadium

12 → → Meru → → 58 → → Tigania East → Nguthiru Stadium

12 → → Meru → → 58 → → Tigania Central → Mikinduri Stadium

12 → → Meru → → 59 → → Tigania West → Uuru Stadium

13 → → Tharaka Nithi → → 60 → → Chuka/IgambaNgombe → → Chuka → → Chuka DC’S Office


13 → → Tharaka Nithi → → 60 → → Tharaka → → Tharaka South → → Marimanti Stadium


13 → → Tharaka → → 61 → → Tharaka South→ → Maara → → Chuka Stadium


13 → → Tharaka → → 62 → → Tharaka North → → Katunga Police Station17 → → Makueni → 83 → → Kaiti → → Kilungu → → Kyembeke Police Station Ground

14 → → Embu → → 63 → → Manyatta → Embu West → → Moi Mun.Stadium

14 → → Embu → → 63 → → Manyatta → Embu North → → Kairuri Stadium

14 → → Embu → → 64 → → Mbeere North → Mbeere North → → Mbeere North DC’S Ground

14 → → Embu → → 65 → → Mbeere South → Umau Grounds

14 → → Embu → → 66 → → Runyenjes → → Embu East → → Runyenjes Municipal Stadium

15 → → Kitui → → 67 → → Kitui Central → → Kitui Central → Kitui Show ground

15 → → Kitui → → 67 → → Kitui Central → → Matinyani → Matinyani Kwamkoma Play ground

15 → → Kitui → → 68 → → Kitui East → → Mutito and Mutito North → → Chuluni DC’S Ground

15 → → Kitui → → 68 → → Kitui East → → Nzambani → → Nzombe Play Ground

15 → → Kitui → → 69 → → Kitui Rural → → Kisasi → → Mbitini Police Station

15 → → Kitui → → 69 → → Kitui Rural → → Katulani → → Katulani DCc’S Office Ground

15 → → Kitui → → 69 → → Kitui Rural → → Lower Yatta → → ST Lukes Play Ground

15 → → Kitui → → 70 → → Kitui South → → Mutomo → Mutomo Stadium

15 → → Kitui → → 70 → → Kitui South → → Ikutha → → Ikutha Stadium

15 → → Kitui → → 71 → → Kitui West → → Kitui West → → Kauwi Stadium

15 → → Kitui → → 72 → → Mwingi Central → → Mwingi East ans Mwingi Central → → Musila Play Ground

15 → → Kitui → → 73 → → Mwingi North → → Kyuso → → Kyuso Stadium

15 → → Kitui → → 73 → → Mwingi North → → Mumoni and Thagicu → → Katse Football Pitch

15 → → Kitui → → 73 → → Mwingi North → → Tseikuru → → Tseikuru Stadium

15 → → Kitui → → 74 → → Mwingi West → → Migwani → → Migwani Stadium


16 → → Machakos → 75 → → Kagundo → → Kagundo → → Kagundo DEB

16 → → Machakos → 76 → → Kathiani → → Kathiani → → Mitamboni DO’S

16 → → Machakos → 77 → → Machakos → → Machakos/Kalama → → Machakos Kenyatta Stadium

16 → → Machakos → 78 → → Masinga → Masinga → → Masinga Sub County HQS

16 → → Machakos → 79 → → Matungulu → → Matungulu → → Kisukioni Play Ground Behind Tala Boys

16 → → Machakos → 80 → → Mavoko → → Athi River → → KMC Ground Athi River

16 → → Machakos → 82 → → Yatta → → Yatta → → Yatta Field Unit (NYS Grounds)

17 → → Makueni → 84 → → Kibwezi East → kibwezi → → Kibwezi Sport Grounds


17 → → Makueni → 85 → → Kibwezi West → → Makindu → → Makindu Sports Ground


17 → → Makueni → 86 → → Kilome → Mukaa → → Mukaa District HQS


17 → → Makueni → 87 → → Makueni → → Makueni → → Makueni Police Div.HQS


17 → → Makueni → 87 → → Makueni → → Nzaui → → DC’S Office Matiliku


17 → → Makueni → 87 → → Makueni → → Kathonzweni → → Kathonzweni Public Grounds


17 → → Makueni → 88 → → Mbooni → → Mbooni West → → Kikima Play Grounds


17 → → Makueni → 88 → → Mbooni → → Mbooni East → → Mbooni East DCC’s Office18 → → Nyandarua → 89 → → Kinangop → → Kinangop → → Rurinja Stadium Njambini


18 → → Nyandarua → 89 → → Kinangop → → Nyandarua South → → Nyandarua South Sub County HQS


18 → → Nyandarua → 90 → → Kipipiri → → → Kipipiri → → Wakiongo Stadium


18 → → Nyandarua → 91 → → Ndaragwa → → Nyandarwa North → → Ndaragwa Police Sub County HQS


18 → → Nyandarua → 91 → → Ndaragwa → → Nyandarwa North → → Ndaragwa Police Sub County HQS


18 → → Nyandarua → 91 → → Ndaragwa → → Aberdare → → Shamata DCC’S Office


18 → → Nyandarua → 93 → → OL kalao → → Gathanji → → Ngano DCC’s Office


18 → → Nyandarua → 92 → → OL Jororok → → Nyandarwa West → → OL Jororok Play Ground


18 → → Nyandarua → 93 → → OL kalao → → Nyandarwa Central → → OL kalao Stadium


18 → → Nyandarua → 93 → → OL kalao → → Mirangine → → Mirangine DC’S Office19 → → Nyeri → → 94 → → Kieni → Kieni West → → Mweiga Stadium


19 → → Nyeri → → 94 → → Kieni → Kieni East → → Chaka Play Ground


19 → → Nyeri → → 95 → → Mathira → Mathira East → → Karatina Stadium


19 → → Nyeri → → 95 → → Mathira → Mathira West → → Kaiyamba Chief’s Camp


19 → → Nyeri → → 96 → → Mukurweini → → Mukurweini → → Mukurweini Stadium


19 → → Nyeri → → 97 → → Nyeri Central → Nyeri Central → → Ruringu Stadium


19 → → Nyeri → → 98 → → Othaya → → Nyeri South → → Othaya Stadium


19 → → Nyeri → → 99 → → Tetu → → Tetu → → Wamagana Play Grounds20 → → Kirinyaga → 100 → → Gichugu → → Kirinyaga East → → Kianyaga Stadium


20 → → Kirinyaga → 101 → → Kirinyaga Central → → Keruguya Stadium


20 → → Kirinyaga → 102 → → Mwea → → Mwea East → → Wang’uru Stadium


20 → → Kirinyaga → 102 → → Mwea → Mwea West → → Kndongu Hospital Grounds


20 → → Kirinyaga → 103 → → Ndia → → Kirinyaga West → → Kianjange Grounds (Shikuku)


20 → → Kirinyaga → 103 → → Ndia → → Kirinyaga West → → Kianjange Stadium21 → → Muranga → 104 → → Gatanga → → Gatanga → → Gatunyu Play Ground


21 → → Muranga → 105 → → Kadara → → Kadara → → Kandara Stadium


21 → → Muranga → 106 → → Kangema → → Kagema → → Kangema General Kago Stadium


21 → → Muranga → 107 → → kigumo → Kigumo → → Makomboki Stadium


21 → → Muranga → 108 → → Kiharu → → Muranga East → → Ihura Stadium Murang’a


21 → → Muranga → 108 → → Kihara → → kahuro → → kahuro Stadium


21 → → Muranga → 109 → → Maragwa → → Murang’a South → → kimorori DCC’S Office


21 → → Muranga → 110 → → Mathioya → → Mathioya → → Rurie Stadium22 → → Kiambu → 111 → → Gatundu North → → Gatundu North → → Kamwangi DC’S Office


22 → → Kiambu → 112 → → Gatundu South → → Gatundu South → → Gatundu Town Stadium


22 → → Kiambu → 113 → → Githunguri → → Githunguri → → Githunguri Stadium


22 → → Kiambu → 114 → → Juja → → Juja → → Premier Bag Grounds


22 → → Kiambu → 115 → → Kabete → → Kabete → Kanjeru Stadium


22 → → Kiambu → 116 → → Kiambaa → → Kiambaa → → Karuri Play Ground


22 → → Kiambu → 117 → → Kiambu → → Kiambu → → Kirigiti Stadium


22 → → Kiambu → 118 → → Kikuyu → → Kikuyu → → DC’S Office


22 → → Kiambu → 119 → → Lari → → Lari → → Kirenga Market


22 → → Kiambu → 120 → → Limuru → → Limuru → → Kwambira Stadium


22 → → Kiambu → 121 → → Ruiru → → Ruiru → Ruiru Municipal Stadium


22 → → Kiambu → 122 → → Thika Town → → Thika West → → Thika Municipal Stadium


22 → → Kiambu → 122 → → Thika Town → → Thika East → → Kilimambogo Play Grounds


22 → → Kiambu → 122 → → Kiambu → → Kiambu → → Ndumberi Stadium25 → → Samburu → → 133 → → Samburu East → → Samburu East → → Wamba Market

23 → → Turkana → 123 → → Loima → → Loima → Lorugum Resource Centre

23 → → Turkana → 124 → → Turkana Central → → Turkana Cenrtal → Lodwar P/STN

23 → → Turkana → 125 → → Turkana East → → Turkana East → Lokori DC’S Office

23 → → Turkana → 126 → → Turkana North → → Turkana North → → Lokitaung Stadium

23 → → Turkana → 126 → → Turkana North → → Kibish → → DC’S Office Kibish

23 → → Turkana → 127 → → Turkana South → → Turkana South → → Lokichar

23 → → Turkana → 128 → → Turkana West → → Turkana West → → Kakuma Air Strip



24 →→ → West Pokot → → 129 → → Kacheliba → → Pokot North → → Alale Air Strip

24 → → West Pokot → → 130 → → Kapenguria → → West Pokot → → Police Division HQS Kapenguria

24 → → West Pokot → → 131 → → Pokot South → → Pokot South → Kibichbich DC’S Office

24 → → West Pokot → → 131 → → Pokot South → → Kipkomo → Chebareria DC’S Office

24 → → West Pokot → → 132 → → Sigor → → Pokot Central → → Sigor DC’S Office

25 → → Samburu → → 134 → → Samburu North → → Samburu North → → DC’S Office Baragoi


25 → → Samburu → → 135 → → Samburu West → → Samburu Central → → DC’S Office Maralal26 → → Trans Nzoia → → 136 → → Cherangany → → Trans Nzoia East → KacheBora DC’S Office


26 → → Trans Nzoia → → 137 → → Endebes → → Endebes → → Endebes DC’S Office


26 → → Trans Nzoia → → 138 → → Kimimini → Kimimini Police Station


26 → → Trans Nzoia → → 139 → → Kwanza → → Kwanza → → Kwanza Police Patrol Base


26 → → Trans Nzoia → → 140 → → Saboti → → Trans Nzoia West → → Kenyatta Stadium


26 → → Trans Nzoia → → 140 → → Saboti → → Trans Nzoia West → → Gituamba Hospital Field27 → → Uashin Gishu → → 141 → → Ainaboki → → Ainaboki → → Waunifor Stadium


27 → → Uashin Gishu → → 142 → → Kapseret → → Kapseret → → Eldoret ASK Show Ground


27 → → Uashin Gishu → → 143 → → Kesses → → Kesses → DC’S Office Kesses


27 → → Uashin Gishu → → 144 → → Moiben → → Moiben → Kipchoge Keino Stadium


27 → → Uashin Gishu → → 145 → → Soy → → Soy → → 64 Stadium


27 → → Uashin Gishu → → 146 → → Turbo → → Turbo → → 64 Stadium28 → → Elgeyo/Markwet → → 147 → → Keiyo North → → Keiyo North → → Police Division HQS Iten Town – Ship


28 → → Elgeyo/Markwet → → 148 → → keiyo South → → keiyo South → → DC’S Office Chepkorio


28 → → Elgeyo/Markwet → → 149 → → Markwet East → → Markwet East → → Chesoi Chief’s Camp 28 → → Elgeyo/Markwet → → 150 → → Markwet West → → Markwet West → → Kapsowar Play Ground29 → → Nandi → → 151 → → Aldai → → Nandi South → → Kobujoi DC’S Office


29 → → Nandi → → 152 → → Chesumei → → Chesumei → → Chemundu Sub County HQS


29 → → Nandi → → 153 → → Emngwen → → Nandi Central → Kapsabet Parade Grounds


29 → → Nandi → → 154 → → Mosop → → Nandi North → Kabiyet Police Station


29 → → Nandi → → 155 → → Nandi Hills → → Nandi East → → Nandi Hills Stadium


29 → → Nandi → → 156 → → Tinderet → → Tinderet → Maraba DC’S Office


29 → → Nandi → → 219 → → Kimilili → → Kimilili Bungoma → → Kimilili Amtala Sports Centre


29 → → Nandi → → 220 → → M.T Elgon → → M.T Elgon → → M.T Elgon Police Division Kapsokwony


29 → → Nandi → → 220 → → M.T Elgon → → Cheptais → → Cheptais Police Station


29 → → Nandi → → 220 → → M.T Elgon → → Bungoma North → → Mukuyuni DCC’S Office


29 → → Nandi → → 221 → → Sirisia → → Bungoma East → → Sirisia Sports Ground


29 → → Nandi → → 222 → → Tongaren → → Tongaren → DC’S Office Bugoma North


29 → → Nandi → → 223 → → Webuye East → → Bungoma West → → Panpaper Grounds Webuye


29 → → Nandi → → 224 → → Webuye West → → Webuye West → → Bokoli Division HQRS30 → → Baringo → → 157 → → Baringo Central → → Baringo Central → → Kabarnet Show Ground


30 → → Baringo → → 158 → → Baringo North → → Baringo North → → Kabartonjo Dcc’s Office


30 → → Baringo → → 159 → → Baringo South → → Marigat → → Marigat Sports Grounds


30 → → Baringo → → 160 → → Eldama Ravine → → Koibatek → → Eldama Ravine Stadium


30 → → Baringo → → 161 → → Mogotio → → Mogotio → → Mogotio Polytechnic


30 → → Baringo → → 162 → → Tiaty → → Tiaty → → East and East Pokot Chemolingot Stadium


30 → → Baringo → → 162 → → Tiaty → → Tiaty West → → Chemolingot Stadium


30 → → Baringo → → 162 → → Tiaty → → Tiaty East → → Tangulbei31 → → Laikipia → → 163 → → Laikipia East → → Laikipia East → → Nanyuki Stadium


31 → → Laikipia → → 163 → → Laikipia East → → Laikipia Central Sirima Grounds


31 → → Laikipia → → 164 → → Laikipia North → → Laikipia North → → Doldol T. Centre


31 → → Laikipia → → 165 → → Laikipia West → → Laikipia West → → Rumuruti Grounds Nyahururu


31 → → Laikipia → → 165 → → Laikipia West → → Nyahururu Municipal Stadium32 → → Nakuru → → 166 → → Bahati → → Nakuru North → → Kiugoini Police Station


32 → → Nakuru → → 167 → → Gilgil → → Gilgil → → Gilgil Stadium


32 → → Nakuru → → 168 → → Kuresoi North → →Kuresoi North → → Sirikwa Dcc’s Office


32 → → Nakuru → → 169 → → Kuresoi South → → Kuresoi South → → Olonguruoni Stadium


32 → → Nakuru → → 170 → → Molo → → Molo → → Molo Municipal Stadium


32 → → Nakuru → → 171 → → Naivasha → → Naivasha → → Dc’S Office Naivasha Kihoto


32 → → Nakuru → → 172 → → Nakuru East → → Nakuru East → → Afraha Stadium Nakuru Town


32 → → Nakuru → → 173 → → Nakuru West → → Nakuru West → → Kaptembwa Grounds


32 → → Nakuru → → 174 → → Njoro → → Njoro → → Njoro Police Station


32 → → Nakuru → → 175 → → Rongai → → Rongai → → Dc’ S Office Kampi Ya Moto


32 → → Nakuru → → 176 → → Subukia → → Subukia → → Subukia Play Ground33 → → Narok → → 177 → → Emurua Dikirr → → Trans Mara East → → Emurua – Dikirr District Hqs


33 → → Narok → → 178 → → Kilgoris → → Trans Mara West → → Dc’S Office Kilgoris


33 → → Narok → → 179 → → Narok East → → Narok East → → Nairagie- Enkare Dcc’s Office


33 → → Narok → → 180 → → Narok North → → Narok North → → Narok Stadium


33 → → Narok → → 181 → → Narok South → → Narok South → → Ololulunga Baraza Park


33 → → Narok → → 182 → → Narok West → → Narok West → → Lamek Dcc’s Office34 → → Kajiado → → 183 → → Kajiado Central → → Kajiado Central → → Kajiado Dcc’s Office


34 → → Kajiado → → 184 → → Kajiado East → → Isinya Dc’S Office → → Isinya Mashuuru → → Dc’S Office Mashuuru


34 → → Kajiado → → 185 → → Kajiado North → → Kajiado North → → Traffic Training School


34 → → Kajiado → → 186 → → Kajiado South → → Loitokitok → → Loitokitok Stadium


34 → → Kajiado → → 187 → → Kajiado West → → Kajiado West → → Oltinga Center


34 → → Kajiado → → 187 → → Kajiado West → → Oloililai → → Ngatatoek DCC’S Office37 → → Kakamega → → 199 → → Butere → → Butere → → Shiatsala Play Ground

South → → Loitokitok → → Loitokitok Stadium

34 → → Kajiado → → 187 → → Kajiado West → → Kajiado West → → Oltinga Center

34 → → Kajiado → → 187 → → Kajiado West → → Oloililai → → Ngatatoek DCC’S Office

County Code → → County → S/No → → Constituency → → Sub county → Centre

35 → → Kericho → → 188 → → Ainamoi → → Kericho East → → Kericho Green Stadium

35 → → Kericho → → 189 → → Belgut Belgut → → Belgut (Sosiot Grounds)

35 → → Kericho → → 190 → → Bureti → → Bureti → → Kapkatet Stadium

35 → → Kericho → → 191 → → Kipkelion East → → Londiani → → Londiani Coun. Stadium

35 → → Kericho → → 192 → → Kipkelion West → → Kipkelion → → Kipkelion Dcc’s Office

35 → → Kericho → → 193 → → Sigowet/Soin → → Soin Sigowet → → Dcc’S Office Sigowet


36 → → Bomet → → 194 → → Bomet Central → → Bomet Central → → Bomet Stadium

36 → → Bomet → → 195 → → Bomet East → → Bomet East → → Longisa Youth Empowerment Ground

36 → → Bomet → → 196 → → Chepalungu → → Chepalungu → → Sigor Play Ground

36 → → Bomet → → 197 → → Konoin → → Konoin → → Konoin Stadium

36 → → Bomet → → 198 → → Sotik → → Sotik → → Dc’S Office Sotik T/Ship

37 → → Kakamega → → 200 → → Ikolomani → → Kakamega South → → Malinya Stadium


37 → → Kakamega → → 201 → → Khwisero → → Khwisero → → Khwisero Sports Ground


37 → → Kakamega → → 202 → → Likuyani → → Likuyani → → Kongoni Dcc’s Office


37 → → Kakamega → → 203 → → Lugari → → Lugari → → Lumakanda Township Pry Sch.



37 → → Kakamega → → 203 → → Lugari → → Matete Matete Playing Ground


37 → → Kakamega → → 204 → → Lurambi → → Kakamega Central → → Bukhungu Stadium Kakamega


37 → → Kakamega → → 205 → → Malava → → Kakamega North → → Isanjiro Play Ground


37 → → Kakamega → → 206 → → Matungu → → Matungu → → Matungu Dcc’s Office


37 → → Kakamega → → 207 → → Mumias East → → Mumias East → → Mumias East Dcc’s Office


37 → → Kakamega → → 208 → → Mumias West → → Mumias West → → Nabongo Sports Ground


37 → → Kakamega → → 209 → → Navakholo → → Navakholo → → Navakholo Dcc’s Play Ground


37 → → Kakamega → → 210 → → Shinyalu → → Kakamega East → → Solio Play Ground38 → → Vihiga → → 211 → → Emuhaya → → Emuhaya → → Dc’S Office Emuhaya


38 → → Vihiga → → 212 → → Hamisi → → Hamisi → → Hamisi Sports Ground


38 → → Vihiga → → 213 → → Luanda → → Luanda → → Dc’S Office Luanda


38 → → Vihiga → → 214 → → Sabatia → → Sabatia → → Sabatia Dcc’s Office


38 → → Vihiga → → 215 → → Vihiga → → Vihiga → → Vihiga Dcc’s Office Bungoma39 → → Bungoma → → 216 → → Bumula → → Bumula → → Bumula Centre Dc’S Office


39 → → Bungoma → → 217 → → Kabuchai Bungoma → → Central Musese Cdf Grounds


39 → → Bungoma → → 218 → → Kanduyi → → Bungoma South → → Kanduyi Airstrip


39 → → Bungoma → → 218 → → Kanduyi → → Bungoma South → → Ekitale Chief’s Camp


39 → → Bungoma → → 219 → → Kimilili → → Kimilili Bungoma → → Kimilili – Amtala Sports Centre


39 → → Bungoma → → 220 → → Mt. Elgon → → Mt. Elgon Mt. Elgon Police Div.Kapsokwony


39 → → Bungoma → → 220 → → Mt. Elgon → → Cheptais Cheptais Police Station


39 → → Bungoma → → 220 → → Mt. Elgon → → Bungoma North Mukuyuni Dcc’s Office


39 → → Bungoma → → 221 → → Sirisia → → Bungoma East → → Sirisia Sports Ground


39 → → Bungoma → → 222 → → Tongaren → → Tongaren → → Dc’s Office Bungoma North


39 → → Bungoma → → 223 → → Webuye → → East Bungoma → → West Panpaper Grounds Webuye


39 → → Bungoma → → 224 → → Webuye West → → Webuye West → → Bokoli Division Hqrs40 → → Busia → → 225 → → Budalangi → → Bunyala → → Siangonjo Stadium


40 → → Busia → → 226 → → Butula → → Butula → → Butula Youth Politechnic


40 → → Busia → → → 227 → → Funyula → → Samia → → Funyula Stadium


40 → → Busia → → → 228 → → Matayos → → Busia → → Matayos Municipal Stadium


40 → → Busia → → → 229 → → Nambale → → Nambale → → Nambale Police Station


40 → → Busia → → → 230 → → Teso North → → Teso North → Amagoro Sub County


40 → → Busia → → → 231 → → Teso South → → Teso South → → Amakura Stadium41 → → Siaya → → 232 → → Alego Usoga → → Siaya → → Siaya Stadium


41 → → Siaya → → 233 → → Bondo → → Bondo → → Bondo University Grounds


41 → → Siaya → → 234 → → Gem → → Gem → → Sawagongo DCC’S Office


41 → → Siaya → → 235 → → Rarieda → → Rarieda → → Nyilima Centre Grounds


41 → → Siaya → → 236 → → Ugenya → → Ugenya → → Ugenya DCC’S Office


41 → → Siaya → → 237 → → Ugunja → → Ugunja → → Ugunja Sub County Police HQS42 → → Kisumu → 238 → → Kisumu Central → → Kisumu Central → → Kenyatta Grounds


42 → → Kisumu → 239 → → Kisumu East → → Kisumu East → Mamboleo Show Ground


42 → → Kisumu → 240 → → Kisumu West → → Kisumu West → DC’S Office Ojola


42 → → Kisumu → 241 → → Muhoroni → → Muhoroni → Chemelil Sugar Company Stadium


42 → → Kisumu → 242 → → Nyakach → → Nyakach → → Nyakach Sub County Police HQS(PAP ONDIT)


42 → → Kisumu → 243 → → Nyando → → Nyando → → Nyando DC’S Office


42 → → Kisumu → 244 → → Seme → → Seme → → DC’S Office43 → → Homabay → 245 → Homabay Town → Homabay Police Division HQS


43 → → Homabay → 246 → → Kabondo Kasipul → → Rachuonyo Pundo Karaila Sports Grounds


43 → → Homabay → 247 → → Karachuonyo → → Rachuonyo North → → Kendubay Show Ground


43 → → Homabay → 248 → → Kasipul → → Rachuonyo South → → Kosele Stadium


43 → → Homabay → 249 → → Mbita → → Suba North → → Onungo Stadium


43 → → Homabay → 250 → → Ndihiwa → → Ndihiwa → Ndihiwa Police Sub County HQS


43 → → Homabay → 251 → → Rangwe → → Rangwe → → Rangwe Market


43 → → Homabay → 252 → → Suba/Gwasi → → Suba South → → Peter Ngatiano Stadium44 → → Migori → 253 → → Awendo → → Awendo → → Awendo D.O Office


44 → → Migori → 254 → → Kuria East → → Kuria East → District HQS


44 → → Migori → 255 → → Kuria West → → Kuria West → Kuria Police Sub County HQS


44 → → Migori → 256 → → Nyakite → → Nyakite → Nyakite Police Sub County HQS


44 → → Migori → 257 → → Rongo → → Rongo → Rongo District HQS


44 → → Migori → 258 → → Suna East → → Suna East → → Migori Stadium


44 → → Migori → 259 → → Suna West → → Suna West → Piny Oyie DCC’S Grounds


44 → → Migori → 260 → → Uriri → → Uriri → → Uriri District HQS45 → → kisii → → 261 → → Bobasi → → Nyamache → Nyamache Stadium


45 → → kisii → → 261 → → Bobasi → → Sameta → → Sameta Stadium


45 → → kisii → → 262 → → Bomachoge Borabu → → Kenyenya and Etago → → Kenyenya Stadium


45 → → kisii → → 263 → → Bomachoge Chache → → Gucha → → Ogembo DCC’S Office


45 → → kisii → → 264 → → Bonchari → → Kisii South → → Kisii South DCC’S O ffice


45 → → kisii → → 265 → → Kitutu Chache North → → Marani → → Marani Football Ground


45 → → kisii → → 266 → → Kitutu Chache South → → Kitutu Central → → Kisii Stadium


45 → → kisii → → 267 → → Nyaribari Chache → → Kisii Central → → Kisii Stadium


45 → → kisii → → 268 → → Nyaribari Masaba → Masaba South → → Nyantrago Play Ground


45 → → kisii → → 269 → → South Murigango → → Gucha South → → Nyamarambe Stadium46 → → Nyamira → → 270 → → Borabu → → Borabu → → Matutu Police Station


46 → → Nyamira → → 271 → → Kitutu Masaba → → Masaba North → → Rigoma Market


46 → → Nyamira → → 271 → → Kitutu Masaba → Manga → → Manga DC’S Office (MRKT)


46 → → Nyamira → → 272 → → North Murigango → → Nyamira North → → Ekerenyo DC’S Stadium


46 → → Nyamira → → 273 → → West Murigango → → Nyamira South → → Nyamira DC’S Office47 → → Nairobi → → 274 → → Dagoreti North → → Dagoreti → Ndurarua Stadium


47 → → Nairobi → → 275 → → Dagoretti South → → Dagoreti → Ndurarua Stadium


47 → → Nairobi → → 276 → → Embakasi Central → → Embakasi → → Huruma Ground


47 → → Nairobi → → 277 → → Embakasi East → → Embakasi → → Chakaranda Grounds


47 → → Nairobi → → 278 → → Embakasi North → → Embakasi → → Shepherd Grounds


47 → → Nairobi → → 279 → → Embakasi South → → Embakasi → → Vision Grounds/ Makao Bora


47 → → Nairobi → → 280 → → Embakasi West → → Embakasi → → Tena Grounds


47 → → Nairobi → → 281 → → Kamukunji → → Kamukunji → → Kamukunji Sports Grounds


47 → → Nairobi → → 282 → → Kasarani → → Kasarani and Njiru → → Moi Sports Centre Kasarani


47 → → Nairobi → → 283 → → Kibra → → Kibra → → Nyayo Stadium


47 → → Nairobi → → 284 → → Lang’ata / Karen → → Lang’ata Nyayo Stadium


47 → → Nairobi → → 285 → → Makadara → → Makadara City Stadium


47 → → Nairobi → → 286 → → Mathare → → Mathare → → Mathare Depot Play Ground


47 → → Nairobi → → 287 → → Roysambu → → Kasarani and Njiru → → Moi Sports Centre Kasarani


47 → → Nairobi → → 288 → → Ruaraka → → Kasarani and Njiru → → Moi Sports Centre Kasarani


47 → → Nairobi → → 289 → → Starehe → → Starehe → → Pumwani Play Ground


47 → → Nairobi → → 290 → → Westlands → → Westlands → → Gigiri Sub County Police Hqs 47 → → Nairobi → → 291 → → NYS HQS → → NYS → → NYS Headquaters Ruraka


47 → → Nairobi → → 292 → → CID T/SCH → → CID T/SCH → → CID Training School

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