KNEC Announces 30-Day Window To Receive Queries Over 2023 KCPE Results

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In a statement on Saturday, 25 November 2023, KNEC Chief Executive Officer David Njengere advised learners and parents to collect their provisional results slip from their respective schools and raise any queries for review within the window period.





“KNEC rules provide for candidates or schools to lodge appeals for review of the examination results to the Council in writing within thirty days from the date of release of the examination results,” Njengere explained.




He added that KNEC has received appeals as well as request for review from schools affected and dissatisfied with results as received by candidates/schools through the SMS code 40054.




He clarified that some candidates had misaligned results with the grades in Kiswahili placed under the Kenyan Sign Language.




KNEC CEO David Njengere Pulse Live Kenya




Other subjects affected by the recently-released results are Science and Social Studies and Religious Education which were truncated incorrectly.




Results obtained via SMS for the subjects were missing the + or – sign as expected with KNEC brining the same to the attention of the service provider to resolve the matter.




“The error affected only the SMS results due to configuration issues, as the results in the KNEC portal are accurate,” Njengere explained.




Michael Warutere from Riara Springs Academy secured the top spot in the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations results that were released on Wednesday, scoring an impressive 428 marks.




Michael Warutere from Riara Springs Academy has secured the top spot in the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations, scoring an impressive 428 marks. Michael Warutere from Riara Springs Academy has secured the top spot in the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations, scoring an impressive 428 marks.



About 1.4 million students across the country sat for the KCPE making the final cohort to sit for the exams.




The national examination will be replaced by the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) examinations.




Highlights of the 2023 KCPE exam

  • 400 – 500 marks – 8,525 candidates
  • 300-399 marks – 352,782 candidates
  • 200-299 marks – 658,278 candidates
  • 100-199 marks – 383,025 candidates
  • 1-99 marks – 2,060 candidates
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