Knec: Application procedure to be an examiner, 2021/2022

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Have you any plan to join the team of examiners this year? Here is the long awaited opportunity.  Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has made a timely announcement on training of all willing and able registered teachers in the country.

Through the exam body’s official communication platforms, both Twitter handle and the council’s website. (@ExamsCouncil and, Kenya National Examination Council urged teachers to apply and turn up for the training programs tailor made to suit the learner’s evaluation needs.

Target group
In the communication, Knec aims at training teachers to become examiners both at Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination levels.

Period of training
The training is schedule to take place between 3rd and 9th October 2021, the commination read in part.

Venue for the training
It is not yet made known where the training will be held. However, The exam council indicates intentions to communicate it at a later time to all the qualified applicants. The training exercise will however, be residential.

Training charges.
All shortlisted applicants will be immediately contacted. They will then be expected to make a deposit, training fee of Kshs 10,500 will apply. Consequently, successful trainees will be roped into examiners database at the KNEC. The services of the trained examiners will then be engaged using similar criteria for recruiting examiners annually based on the needs assessment. Other regular examiners whose names are already in the KNEC database may not need to apply for the KNEC training.

The following papers will need examiners

S/N KCPE PAPER NAME KCPE PAPER CODE 1 English Composition 901/12
Kiswahili Insha 902/1

Teachers are needed to train secondary school KCSE examiners in the following papers;

1: English101/1, 101/2
2: Kiswahili 102/1, 102/2
3: Biology 231/1, 231/2, 231/3
4: Chemistry233/2, 233/3
5: History and Government311/1, 311/2
6: Christian Religious Education313/1, 313/2
7: Agriculture443/1, 443/2

All trainee examiners must be a:-
1: Practicing teacher in the relevant subject areas at the level of examination.
2 : Registered and/or employed by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).
3: P1 certificate holder for KCPE examination with a minimum of a C (plain) at KCSE level in the subject they are applying to train.
4: Holder of a Diploma certificate in Education and above for KCSE marking.
5: Teacher with experience of three (3) years.
6: Teacher not serving interdiction or any other form of disciplinary action from the TSC by the time of application.
7: Recommended teacher by his/her head of institution and
8: Teacher of 50 years of age and below.

To apply, applicants will do the following:

1: Visit Knec examiners portal through the link below

2: If you already have a Cp2 account, use your password to login. (username and password).

3: For forgotten password, click on reset password button, enter your mobile number starting: 2547******** then get username and password.

4: Without Cp2 account, click “create account” then follow the instructions to create own profile.

5: Complete the profile and save. Click on apply for training from dashboard, and pick on declared vacancy of your interest.

6: Due to limited training slots, only qualified teachers who will have correctly uploaded required information will be picked.



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