“You Will Find No Peace.” Emotional Principal curses Students For Destroying His Office And Other School Property For The Third Time.

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Chesamis High School in Bungoma County the latest school to be affected by the ongoing students’ unrest that is being experienced in the country. It is a shameful thing that unruly students decided to go inside the principal’s office and destroy everything.

They then went ahead to the school school store and destroyed other important things and then made away with new uniforms. If that was not enough, they directed their anger towards the CCTV cameras and demolished them. Then made their way out of the school to the neighbouring land.

While addressing the students who remained, the School principal was full of anger that was burning down his heart. He promised the students that those who were involved in such actions will never know peace. According to Mr Christopher Serem who is the school principal, he claims that they will not rest until the small number of students involved are punished.

The value of the school property destroyed is approximated to be very high due to the fact that they have destroyed CCTV cameras which are very expensive. New school uniforms and other documents destroyed inside the Principal’s office might also be expensive.

Therefore, if the rightful culprits who destroyed those things are not captured, it would be a blow to those who were not involved. They might be forced to pay huge amount of money the same way Kakamega High School did.

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