Bewarned! 15 Commonest Scamming Methods Applied On Unsuspecting Kenyans.

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Wanting easy cash shouldn’t be a reason for one to get scammed, times are tough so look out for these various scamming techniques to be on the safe side.




Person getting scammed online
Image: Courtesy



As years pass scammers have improved their scamming tricks and are able to adapt to the current living conditions and continue their scamming games easily without getting caught.



People were used to the common method of scamming like misidentification where you’ll get tricked into thinking you owe someone money and end up losing money in the process.



Others use gambling where the gambler throws some coins and tells you to pick them up but if you fail to pick the marked one, you lose your money.


Scamming these days has been digitalised and scientific. Unless you are very keen people will scam you on your face and you won’t even notice until someone else taps you or shakes you back to reality.



It is a common proverb that says ‘ When the deal is too good think twice’. People need to be extra careful when engaging with different people.


Below are some ways that people are getting scammed.


1) Employment scams

With an increase in unemployment cases in Kenya, people will easily find themselves scammed. Scammers promise the individual that if they give them a certain amount of money then they’ll ensure they get them a jobs.


Most people fall into this trap cause the job being promised is normally a governmental job and it’s common knowledge that parastals have some benefits.

The common words they use are “I work in a government organization most mention city hall, we are looking for employees but since I know you, I’ll ensure I put in a good word for you, you don’t have to go through interviews the job is yours if you give me 10,000 Kenyan shillings.”


2) Plot scams

Plot scammers are the most common. The scammers offer to give you a piece of land for very little amounts of money.

As most people are desperate to be land owners they easily fall into this trap. The scammers even move a step further and give you a fake title deed.

In a recent case that happened in Kitengela, some residents were told to give 100,000 Kenyan shillings and they’ll get a piece of land from Portland only after everyone had made the payment and started building houses in the area for the government to chase them away claiming it’s government property.


3) Selling Minerals

It could be gold, diamonds or mercury. Most of the time, the swindler will be short of money and in urgent need to deliver the minerals. The swindler will then ask the targeted victim to invest in his business, promising astronomical returns. Of course, it’s too good to be true.


4) Cryptocurrencies

This is normally online businesses. One is normally advised to invest a certain amount of money and when they invite other people to join they’ll be able to gain more profits.

Once the individual invests their money, and it’s received by the online business organization, they go missing and everyone who introduced you to it becomes unreachable on their cellphones.


5: Betting Odds

The influencer has called has also listed betting odds among the biggest scams going on in Kenya at the moment.

“There is no way someone can tell you to send him KSh 1000 to get odds to win KSh 100,000. Why can’t they use them and get the winnings for themselves?”


6: Connections To Mzungu Man

A lot of Kenyan women have set their sights on getting married to Mzungu men and are actively looking for them online and offline. Some desperately want to come out of poverty, and others are looking for real love and others want to leave the country. Scammers have learnt that women can pay top dollar to get white men and are now asking them to pay between KSh 400 and KSh 500 for connection but they turn out to be fake deals.


7: Fake Travel Agents

If you want to go to any place outside the country, use trusted agents referred by people who have used them in the past. Stop going to shoddy briefcase company as you will be robbed in broad daylight.


8: Increasing Fuliza Limit. 

Have you ever received a message from someone claiming that they can increase your Fuliza limit? Well, when you see it again run for the nearest hills. One can only increase their Fuliza limit by borrowing and repaying on time.


9: Selling impounded cars from Mombasa port:

A swindler will convince a mark that there are cars at the port which were imported but the owners either died or could not afford to pay duty. Such cars are often destroyed, but the swindler knows someone at the port who can sneak out a high-end car.


10: Caught in the act scam:

A beautiful woman will invite a man to her house for steamy sex. While both are naked in the bedroom, the ‘husband’ will abruptly come home and bust the two eating the forbidden fruit. He will pretend to call the media, usually freelance cameramen and even involve the police. The man will then fork out millions to appease the husband.


11: Wash-wash

Kenyans pretending to be Congolese or Nigerians will approach a mark, claiming they have ‘UN dollars’ that are only used in war zones.

The dollars, they claim, are stamped so they can be used outside war zones. But the money is as valuable as toilet paper!


12: False/Fake Emergency

The message is usually framed with content that sells a fake emergency story. Often, the request will require you to respond immediately or urgently require you to send money to a certain number.


13: Fake international payments


A fraudster sends a fake IMT message, for example, a fake western union receipt acknowledging receipt of money for clearance of containers or goods worth a lot of money. A customer is called to establish rapport and they are later conned to send money.


14: Fake Job Opportunities


Fraudsters send texts or make calls with fake job opportunities that require you to pay a fee.


15: Online Dating Scams

Many in Kenya thought they found love online only to end up as the victims of elaborate scams.

Scammers use carefully crafted and attractive profiles to lure in their victims, whom they get close to and gain their trust. They might or might not use their real identities, but stay in touch with their victims and take time to know them, making promises and declarations of their boundless love.

Eventually, these scammers might ask for personal financial information such as bank details, or create stories to convince you to send money via mobile money or bank transfer. Madly in love, victims often fall for such scams sometimes several times before realizing they have been conned.

In such situations, one has to be cautious before sending money or handing over crucial personal information.

To be continued..



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