Knec Proves MP Oscar Sudi Forged His Academic Certificates.

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Oscar Sudi faces darkest political future as KNEC proves to Court How He Forged His KSCE Certificate

Kenyans have expressed mixed reactions after KNEC official reveals in court how Oscar Sudi, Kapseret legislator forged papers that Deputy President William Ruto’s ally had forwarded to IEBC.

The Kenya Certificate of Secondary School Education (KCSE) is a requirement for one to run for a parliamentary seat for a member of parliament (MP).

A Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) official shocked the court yesterday 26th Tuesday 2021 after she gave a blow by blow account of how Kapseret member of parliament Oscar Sudi forged his academic documents.

She used the information given, that is the index number, the year of examination and the name of the candidate to scrutinise the records for Highway Secondary School.

KNEC established that, according to records established that the quoted code in KCSE certificate of Oscar which was 401006 did not belong to Highway secondary school but belonged to Parkland secondary school.

The KNEC official revealed that the code for Highway secondary school according to records of KNEC is 401005 and that is the KCSE examination for the year 2006.

When the KNEC officer went through the records in comparison with the information provided, it was established that a candidate by the name Oscar kipchumba Sudi did not appear in the year 2006 for either parkland secondary school or Highway secondary school.

However, the academic certificate for Oscar Dudi indicates that he sat for the KCSE from Highway Secondary School in 2006, index number index 401006/081. It was established that the index above belonged to Obaje Bob Onyango who sat KCSE in 2006 at Parklands Secondary school.

The KNEC official further disclosed Sudi neither registered for KCSE at Highway secondary school nor Parklands Secondary schools since the real code for Highway secondary during that year was 401005.

The KNEC officer consequently said before the court that Oscar Sudi’s certificates were forged and therefore is invalid.
The ‘legislature’ stands a chance of completely quitting Kenyan political scene.
What is not clear is whether or not Mr. Sudi will refund the hard earned tax payers money he had earned for the past  five years.


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