Live Streaming Of Lessons Attracts Worries On Connectivity Issues In Schools.

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Stakeholders Raise Internet Connectivity Concerns In TSC’s Virtual Lessons.

Concerns have been raised by stakeholders nearly three weeks after the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) launched lesson live streaming in secondary schools.




The program aims to address teacher shortages in Arid and Semi-Arid Land schools. A principal school will teach in person, while ten others will learn virtually.





Several education stakeholders have inquired about the possibility of internet connectivity in the affected areas.





During the launch, for example, a number of satellite schools streaming experienced issues with buffering internet.



Buffering occurs in the context of streaming video or audio when the software downloads a certain amount of data before beginning to play the video or music.




Akelo Misori, secretary-general of the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education, stated that internet connectivity has been a major challenge during the program’s implementation.




Misori was speaking during an interview with KTN News, where he stated that there is a need to implement a more comprehensive internet policy in schools.




“I wonder whether TSC had already mapped challenges that connectivity will precede this programme so that as we roll it out, we are going to get feedback,” Misori said.




He went on to say that if the commission only committed to ensuring connectivity in two counties, it would make it difficult for other counties.




“In the circumstances that they are only connecting Isiolo and Machakos Alliance Girls it may be just mechanical,” he added.




During the launch, Joshua Opondo, who represented the ICTA CEO, committed to connecting at least 24,000 schools to address connectivity issues. So far, 13 schools have been connected to the pilot fiber network.

Teachers Service Commission building. photo/fileTeachers Service Commission building.



There are ten primary schools and three secondary schools. Five teachers from each secondary school have been trained to teach the computer lesson.




This means that up to 163,938 teachers have been trained in remote methodologies that will be implemented across the country.




The pilot phase, which will last two months, will concentrate on science, mathematics, and English. The pilot principal schools are Machakos High School and Alliance Girls’ High School.




Kipukoro Mixed, Kiwandani School, Bishop Baldacchino, Kurongurik, and Suguta Girls’ Secondary School are Alliance satellite schools.




Isiolo Girls’ Secondary School, Collin Davis Mixed, AIC Kavalula, Njoro Secondary, and Muthingini Girls are Machakos School’s satellite schools.

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