Kenyans Angrily Tear A Strip Off Millicent Omanga Over Her Remark On DP Ruto Creating 4M Jobs.

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The nominated senator Hon. Millicent Omanga, who is also known for her solid support for the DP Ruto’s 2022 presidential bid, On Thursday 25Th November 2022 got it rough with Kenyans in social media.

DP Ruto with Sen. Millicent Omanga at a past function.


In her Facebook page which read as below:-

The statement on the DP Ruto meliorating youth unemployment to the tune of creating 4M jobs to Kenyans tasted absurdly bitter to the mouths of many who kept no sweet words for her. Below are an assortment of reactions:-

In just one hour, the loudmouthed senator’s post had attracted well over 2k reactions. Some Kenyans felt it’s not prudent to trust in DPs promises anymore while some felt the DP, still being in the office should go ahead and implement the promises he is quick to make.

A keener mind loudly wondered what stopped the DP from achieving all that while still in office and wondered how sure they can be to trust in the DP again;-

An observer felt the same language was used previously to lure Kenyans, to him, his children are still waiting for the laptops.

“Ruto wants to become president to continue enriching himself…” Was a comment from one of the Kenyans.

Someone plainly put it that Kenyans no longer trust in the promises of politicians.

To one, he felt that DP should not continue cheating and duping Kenyans since he hasn’t generated the 1M jobs promised in 2013.




Click this, to read more from the Senator’s direct Facebook page.

Senator Millicent Omanga





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