Just In: President Ruto Announces ksh. 3000 Reward To This Category Of Kenyans.

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Photo courtesy of Kenya’s Head of State Dr William Samoei Ruto.




Kenyans inhabiting distinguished local and regional destinations can now breathe with a bated breathe after the




Head of State Dr William Samoei Ruto annouced a finger-licking cash reward for them.



Speaking during the launch of the imminent Hustler Fund, the Head of State Dr William Samoei Ruto declared an altrustic Ksh3,000 reward to all




Kenyan citizens who will save Ksh6,000 in the National Social Security Fund kitty in a year.





The Head of State articulated that the hefty amount of reward will be accorded to kenyans yearly, and that the recipients




of the reward are those kenyans who will have the set requirement, that is, those who will have saved Ksh 6,000 on NSSF in that year.




“If you save Ksh6000 in a year, we will give you Ksh3,000 per year. The mathematics that I’ve been shown, if all goes well, we will save Ksh30 billion per year,” President Ruto.






The Head of State articulated that the reward will be given to Kenyans in a solemn move geared towards building their morale to save more in the National Social Security Fund.




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