Migori Senator, Hon Ayacko draws his dagger in defense of teachers over TPD

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Migori County Senator, Honorable Ochilo Ayacko at a past function in his county drew his sword to the defense of the molested teachers of this country.

While directly addressing the CS, Ministry Of Education Dr. Magoha and the TSC CEO, Nancy Macharia on the recently launched controversial Teacher Professional Development program, TPD he observed that there’s insanity of a sort that’s wreaking havoc within the inner circles of the education sectors in president Uhuru’s government.
His loud wonder permitted him to recall that the same teachers who seem to be incessantly burdened unnecessarily, competently produced the lawyer and Senator in him today. The same teachers produced other political bigwigs present at the said event such us Hon. Mark Nyamita, MP Uriri, Hon. Denitah Ghati, nominated MP and both Professor Magoha and HE Uhuru Kenyatta (though not present) who are all products of the efforts of those teacher, the Senator plainly mentioned.

Picture of Migori County Senator, Hon Ochilo Ayacko Mbogo at a past function.

The Senator expressed wonder at why one would think there’s something wrong with our teachers, He asked this amidst feeling of the retraining being absolutely unnecessary. The lawyer cum Senator suspects fishy dealings in the offing within the Ministry Of Education and TSC, possibly, the whole scheme looks likes an individual’s hand work to reap where they did not sow.

While firmly at it, Hon. Ayacko challenged the government to foot the cost of retraining teachers if the government feels the retraining is absolutely necessary. Senator Ochilo was keen to note that capacity building should be at the convenience of the people who are already trained and working, and that the government should ensure that the cost of the said capacity building is borne not by the people whose capacity they want to build but by those who are responsible for enhancing capacity, and that is the government.

It is in the Migori Senator’s wisdom concluded that the time is ripe for the government to start motivating teachers and other public servants rather than frustrate them. He felt that If the government succeeds in keeping teachers angry teacher or any public servants, the victims will obviously be the Kenyan child.

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