President Ruto Leaves Kenya, Set To Meet King Charles III And Biden

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President William Ruto has left Kenya for his first official visit to the United Kingdom and the United States of America.





Citizen Digital has established that Ruto left the country a few minutes past 8.00 am on Sunday, and is headed to London.





There, the President will be hosted for dinner by King Charles III and will also attend a World Leaders Service on Sunday evening.





On Monday, Ruto will be among the world leaders attending the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.





He is among the 500 dignitaries; including President Joe Biden, Kings and Queens from Europe and leaders of Commonwealth nations who will be at the State Funeral to be held at Westminster Abbey.





After his tour of UK, Rto will head to the United States for the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) that will be held in New York.





World leaders will convene in UK for the 77th session of UNGA on Tuesday, September 20.




Kenya will address the Assembly on Wednesday, September 21.





While in New York, Ruto is expected to hold talks with President Joe Biden, and also meet captains of the American Chamber of commerce.





The President left the country accompanied by Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro, Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials amongst others.

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