KUCCPS Application: Check Provisional placement Results For June 2022 Intake.

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Once the first selection is done , Kuccps releases the list of students who would need to revise their courses during the second selection.


Under  the first revision, KUCCPS  uploads a list of students who would have not been placed. They will then be given a chance to carry out second revision.





Before deciding to  go through the long list of unplaced students, one can log onto the students’ portal at:




Then you can check on the dash board.


With those who have been competitively placed, the following message would be shown;


“You have provisionally secured one of your choices subject to approval by the Placement Service Board.”


Here  one wont be able to know the exact course and university. But, be sure that Kuccps has placed you to one of your preferred courses and university.


Incase you do not see the message above, then it means you have to revise your course choices,


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