Revised, New Salary Scale Of Newly Employed Secondary School Teacher Effective February, 2022 to

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Any  professional secondary school teacher who is newly employed by  Teachers Service Commission  (TSC)in Kenya falls under job group K  which is the starting point that is currently referred to as grade C2  also classified  as Secondary Teacher II.




After a teacher is absorbed by  TSC, he/ she receives an  appointment letter that always states that a  newly employed teacher remains on probation for a period of not less than six (6) months. However,  there  comes a  scenario when the probation period may be extended if the teacher’s performance is not satisfactory.




Once a teacher serves for a duration of 3  years, he/she is automatically promoted  grade C3, previously known as job group L.




According to Tsc, the minimum requirements for one to teach in secondary school is diploma but nowadays  majority of secondary school teachers are university graduates.

For the newly Employed teachers under  (grade C2 ) initially known as job group K the teacher enjoys commuter allowance of KSH 5000 and rental house allowance   of KSH 7500.





Then the graduate  teacher can now carry home a total amount of KSH.38000 .This figure though changes if one used to benefit from  HELB loan  since some amount is deducted.




The breakdown of the salary for  a newly employed graduate teacher in a secondary school is given below:

1 .Basic Salary  ksh.34,955

2 . House Allowance ksh    7,500

3 .Commuter Allowance ksh. 5,000.

4 .Total Earnings (before deductions)  KSH         47,455.





Teachers note that there are other  several deductions subjected to salary of a newly employed teacher. They deductions include:



-Children’ and widow’s Pension Scheme  which is about Kshs. 699.10.

– the University Loan Recovery  of about Kshs. 5000.





The above deduction  on HElB only affect those teachers who benefitted.




Other deductions include those made to teachers’unions  such as KNUT and KUPPET, KEWOTA, PAYE  plus sacco savings.

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