DP Ruto Pleads With ‘Whiteman’ To Help Stop Any Possibility Of Vote Rigging In August Elections.

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Deputy President William Ruto is appealing to the global community to intervene ahead of the August elections to stop attempts to influence the outcome of the presidential election.

Speaking at the Karson Institute for Race, Peace and Social Justice in Loyola University in Maryland, the DP said different government agencies were trying to manipulate people’s decisions and make decisions on their behalf.

He said there are concerns that a clique of individuals were trying to play games with the rights of others to decide and make independent decisions and choices that they believe are correct.

This is through blackmail, intimidation and use of the criminal justice system to influence leaders and citizens to vote in a certain way though Kenya has a robust Constitution.

“As a leader, I have taken the position to speak against any attempts to try and straightjacket people into predetermined outcomes. We would have expected to do this without the baggage of blackmail and intimidation that is going on but unfortunately that is where we are,” said Dr Ruto.

Presidential race

The Kenya Kwanza alliance leader and United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party leader will face Azimio la Umoja candidate Raila Odinga and others in the presidential race.

Mr Odinga is in the same camp with President Uhuru Kenyatta, who has openly backed his candidacy after falling out with the DP.

But the former Eldoret North MP has expressed concerns about the state of democracy in Kenya, claiming it is under threat.

“There is a huge pushback by citizens against any attempts to choreograph the next dispensation. We want to make our choices without being chaperoned, blackmailed or intimidated,” said the DP.

Partnership of friends

“We are looking forward to partnership of friends and people of goodwill. America has been a partner and a friend and has stood with us during the good and the bad times,” he said.




“With other members of the international community, we are looking forward to working together in that endeavour.”




Continuing with his stinging attack on the government, he said there is also a feeling that Kenya’s economy has been captured and “carteled”, brokered and has become exclusionist.

He said that is why he is at the forefront of the push to democratise it, make it inclusive and bring everybody on board with his “bottom-up” economic approach

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