“Nitumie fare” SmS Lands A Lady In Court Plus Hefty Fine

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A Nairobi lady has been ordered by the Milimani Small Claims Court to pay her boyfriend Kshs 23,750 after he sent him



Kshs 3,000 to pay for a taxi to attend the man’s birthday party but the lady did not show up and instead switched off her phone.





The man went to the small claims court and filed the suit together with evidence which includes his M-pesa statement and WhatsApp chats between him and the




lady before and after sending the money after the lady ignored his messages and then switched off her phone.




The lady was ordered to refund the man Kshs 3,000 plus interest of Kshs 750 and a further Kshs 20,000 in damages for the




emotional anguish he went through. The lady was detained awaiting payment of the damages by her family.

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