Gilbert Rollex Owino. Family, Age, Childhood, Education, Peers, Career & Politics.

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This man Gilbert Rollex Owino.
Family, Age, Childhood, Education, Peers, Career & Politics.
Gilbert Rollex Owino is a  current Kenyan politician having served as a prolific and enthusiastic high school teacher. He seeks to represent Central Sakwa in Awendo Sub-County, Migori County as a Member Of County Assembly, 2022.  Hon. Rollex Gilbert Owino is a staunch member of the Orange Democratic Movement, ODM an affiliate party under Azimio Coalition Agreement.
Gilbert Rollex Owino’s Age, Place Of Birth & Residence.
Rollex was born on 18th/12/1980 but raised in Ranen Mission headquarters and Lianda village , Kaumo sub clan Kanyagwalla within Migori County. As at the year 2022, Rollex hit the 42nd year mark. He resides in Awendo town Location of Central Sakwa Ward. Notably, Rollex, informally referred to as ‘Loch’ is a voter at the populus Town Hall polling station.
Rollex’s Education Background
Rollex Owino is a well educated individual achieving his academic qualifications and certifications from amongst the best learning institutions.
He began his studies at both Ranen and Lianda primary schools at early stages of his life. He later proceeded to Kangeso as a pioneer student admission 008.
His efforts eventually rewarded him a chance at the much coveted Oriwo Boys’ High School under the able leadership of the Retired Principal Eliakim Odhiambo Ngutu.
Rollex’s determination to further his education to greater heights despite the humble background secured him a chance at the prestigious Kenyatta University, KU where he  persued Bachelors Degree in Philosophy, literature, English and History, specializing in Bed ( Arts).
College Life, Leadership Roles and Peers
While at KU, Rollex rose to the position of Students union leadership in KUSA till his graduation along side Homabay Woman Representative and  gubernatorial candidate Hon. Gladys Wanga, Nominated Senator Hon. Isaac Mwaura among others. 
Rollex Teaching Career and achievements.
From College, Rolex has since taught at St. Pius Uriri Boys’  High School and mostly St. Joseph’s Rapogi Boys’ High School from where he rose so steadily up the teaching ranks.
Awards During Teaching Career
As an exemplary teacher, Rollex’s roles and responsibilities were meticulously meted. This saw him bag home numerous awards. For instance; Teacher Of The Year (Toya) Awendo 2017, equally he was privileged to grab President Award – Bronze category in leadership etc. Worth noting too is his outstanding role as subject panelist in History and Government nationally.
Rollex’s Leadership Experience 
Amongst others roles, he has accumulated wealth of experience in leadership matters at varied levels. 
At KU, Rollex was a Student leader establishing National Youth Parliament leading to development of National Youth Policy. During Teaching Career, he ascended to the level of vice Secretary of Kenya Union Of Post Primary Education Teachers, KUPPET, Migori County branch. As a sportsman, he oversaw County  Secondary Schools Sports council, Junior Achievement  Kenya regional coordinator among others.

Rollex’s Family
He is a happy family man, husband and father. He has a strong Christian background that he notes, anchors his success at family, work and political levels.

Gilbert Rollex Owino(center) in company of family at Sony SDA on a Sabbath.



Rollex’s Personality and strengths.
He is both blessed and skilled as a great debater, negotiator, diplomat, intelligent and shrewd leader over the years. He bears a deep heart full of compassion especially in responding to matters humanity.


Rollex Owino’s Agenda For The People Of Central Sakwa, Awendo.
Summarily, Rollex intends to assist the people of Central Sakwa in:-
I: Issuance of house hold title deeds for plot owners in Awendo as opposed to plot cards
Establishment of recreational facilities in Awendo eg. A stadium
ii: Establishment of TVET-, Training Institute in Awendo
iii: Do proper Drainage system in Awendo town/ Sewerage system,
iv: Ensure Health care access.
v: Achieve Quality Education access.
vi: Improve Security in Awendo.
vii. Diversification of farming activities.
viii: Improve infrastructure.
ix: Boost Employment for the jobless, especially youths.
x: Strengthen trading enterprises among others.


It’s worth noting that Rollex is a front runner and preferred in the Ward race 2022.

Gilbert Rollex Owino’s campaign poster
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