Azimio To Launch Their “Hustlers Funds” At This Interest Rates. Kenyans Overjoyed.

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Kenyans have been left showering praises to the Azimio Coalition team after their latest move of launching an



alternative drive to the Hustlers Fund with zero percent interest rate.





According to the report, Robert Alai who is a close ally of Raila Odinga has claimed that Raila Odinga will lead Azimio




coalition in launching Inawezekana Fund drive with zero percent interest to cushion kenyans against the harsh economy as a competition move against Ruto’s Fund.



This move has left kenyans happy claiming that this is a healthy political competition that will likely leave the



country growing with Kenyans also competing in boosting their hustles from borrowings of very low interest rating.







Kenyans now claim that going in this direction will see majority of hustling Kenyans investing probably in hustles because of available capital with low interest rate.




Some claims that having over two economic channels that brings in funds to an individual is a great move from both the government and the opposition.



Section of kenyans have welcomed the move calling Raila and his team to tbe thinking in this line instead of planning to holding rallies of going against the government.




Below are some of the reactions.

Liz Nyakio: The kind of competition we want. Then another fund will arise na tutakopa zote




Evans Kipruto: Perfect…that’s the kind of competition we need in this country….that will benefit the citizens…I support the move 100%.




Gitatha Cyrus: That would be a very healthy political fight where the “nyasi” is the ultimate beneficially!

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