RIP: Bungoma Teacher Sets Himself Ablaze In School

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Yester evening, the nation was saddened to learnt of a heartbreaking incident that happened in Webuye, Bungoma County earlier on today where a teacher is said to have aided his own death.

The teacher, whose identity has not yet been identified is said to have locked himself up in the school office where he doused himself with petrol before setting himself on fire.

The teacher is said to have been burnt beyond recognition at the school office as efforts to rescue him bore no fruit.

The incident took place in Magemo Primary School found in Webuye East in Bungoma County.

The teacher is said to have received a letter from Teachers Service Commission earlier on, informing him that he had been deregistered as a teacher.

This followed an incident in which the teacher is accused of impregnating a pupil at the school and this is what led to his suicide.

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