Tribunals Set Up To Handle Azimio/ Kenya Kwanza Deputies Stalemate

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The Azimio La Umoja-One Kenya Alliance has announced that it is working on setting up an advisory committee to aid in settling the contention around a presidential running mate in the upcoming August polls.





The coalition which held its maiden council meeting on Thursday at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) assured supporters that it is determined to ensure that its party leader and flag-bearer Raila Odinga clinches the presidency.

“The council also resolves to appoint an advisory panel to recommend to the presidential candidate suitable candidates for nomination as deputy presidential candidate,” ODM Director of Elections Junet Mohamed told journalists shortly after the meeting.

“We have directed the National Coalition Executive Committee to immediately prepare a campaign strategy that will ensure that the Azimio La Umoja-One Kenya presidential candidate wins the 2022 presidential election, and that the coalition forms the next government.”

Chaired by the coalition party’s chairperson President Uhuru Kenyatta, the meeting had been convened to address key issues among the tension around who will deputize Odinga.

Mohamed noted that the council had committed to peaceful elections, as well as a stable post-election economic environment.

The coalition further stated that it is targeting the majority of seats in the next parliament and all the county assemblies.

“Azimio La Umoja-One Kenya forms the majority in parliament and in all the 47 counties of our republic,’ said Mohamed.

Also in attendance was Odinga himself, Narc-Kenya’s Martha Karua, Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka, KANU’s Gideon Moi, and Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho, among others.

The Azimio La Umoja -One Kenya outfit was officially registered as a coalition last Wednesday and Mr. Kenyatta was gazetted as its chairperson.

Tensions have been building within the outfit over who will deputize Odinga in the State House race, with the Azimio Women Group, the women politicians’ subsidiary of the camp, wanting Karua named Odinga’s running mate.

Meanwhile, Musyoka has been pushing to be named the deputy, the latest being comments he made on Sunday that he is also from the Mount Kenya region, should that be the criteria for selection in order to woo the vote-rich region.

“Some people argue that the running mate must be a Kikuyu. I’m actually from the mountain. I went to school in Meru. I speak a little bit of Meru so in truth I’m part of the mountain,” said Kalonzo.

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