Kisii Residents Burn Four Suspects Of Witchcraft To Death

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Fear has engulfed Marani Subcounty in Kisii after four suspected witches were burnt to death. The four suspects were arrested by an angry mob on Sunday Morning on the allegation of being responsible for some evil happenings in the area.

Residents claim the four picked a 17-year-old student from his room and after a long night tour with him, they abandoned him restless and numb. As per the Abagusii tradition, once such happens, all villagers are lined up to spit on the victim.

The person who spits on him and speaks is deemed the responsible culprit. Villagers agreed to line up and began the custom.

One woman spit on him and the boy woke up, she was arrested on the spot and was forced to produce the other three who she said were with her when picking the boy at night. Residents further claim, the four are well-known witches who they believe have been terrorizing school-going children in Nyagonyi village.

The area Assistant Chief Evans Nyabita told this writer that he has never received a formal complaint claiming the two suspects are witches. He has condemned the act and asked residents never to take the law into their hands.

This is sad indeed. The chief warned the residents and informed them that it is illegal to take another person’s life. He expressed his grief on the act and asked people to stop taking the law into their hands. He further urged them to report any case to the relevant authority for the right action to be taken against the suspect.

The Marani Subcounty Deputy County Commissioner Mr Patrick Murira has conducted a Baraza and Told residents to cease such old-fashioned backward actions.

The four were aged 60, 57, 62, and 85 years respectively. Their Bodies have been moved to Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital. No one has so far been arrested. Murira said the investigation has commenced and the involved culprits will mercilessly face the full force of the law.

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