Uhuru Tactfully Settles Tension Between IEBC’s Chebukati & Police Boss, Kinoti.

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Political tension remains high as fresh details emerge on daily basis. As we speak, the ground has become extremely tough as politicians continue



throwing words at each other. This is exactly what is happening in Kenya. Today, Chebukati and DCI Boss George




Kinoti admitted that Uhuru is the one who told them to calm down the story which has been raising suspicion.



Both Chebukati and DCI Boss George Kinoti among several other top leaders linked with coming elections featured on the briefing session.




They promised that the story to do with the arrest of the venezuelans has been settled and everything is home and dry.





However, they didn’t give a chance for questions from journalists.

Source Link: https://twitter.com/ntvkenya/status/1552687955432689664?s=19




This is something that has raised suspicion among most people. Meanwhile, it is good to see how Uhuru swiftly moved in to settle the matter




which has been hitting headlines over the past few days. Meanwhile, a lot is expected the closer we near August elections.

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